Date | Quantity | Price in IGNIS | Total in IGNIS | Ask Order ID | Bid Order ID |
06.01.2022 21:14:11 | 1 | 200.00000000 | 200.00000000 | 438c2220a3478382… | 5f44930656484b73… |
31.12.2021 19:14:24 | 1 | 200.00000000 | 200.00000000 | 438c2220a3478382… | e6ceedba04c6c633… |
28.12.2021 14:31:52 | 1 | 200.00000000 | 200.00000000 | 438c2220a3478382… | bb4eb216bf5ae1ce… |
28.12.2021 07:27:44 | 1 | 200.00000000 | 200.00000000 | 438c2220a3478382… | a44167ecb8770f79… |
28.12.2021 02:52:36 | 1 | 200.00000000 | 200.00000000 | 438c2220a3478382… | c84d9a666d5dc03e… |
27.12.2021 21:37:36 | 1 | 200.00000000 | 200.00000000 | 438c2220a3478382… | d40a72b5f4291fc1… |
Total: 6 Trades | 6.0 | 1,200.0 | |||
To reduce the loading time, we only show the latest 100 of 6 trades. Click here to see all trades. |