Date | Quantity | Price in IGNIS | Total in IGNIS | Ask Order ID | Bid Order ID |
24.08.2024 08:33:21 | 1 | 350.00000000 | 350.00000000 | c407b7bc0e983370… | f18b4b411e83ec76… |
22.08.2024 10:48:30 | 1 | 350.00000000 | 350.00000000 | f3d36e2f00f30e0e… | 146599e8ea2cfff3… |
09.08.2024 08:04:16 | 2 | 900.00000000 | 1800.00000000 | b3d8ca755e3aa545… | b8ea9da000264c05… |
07.08.2024 05:18:57 | 1 | 350.00000000 | 350.00000000 | 38294b8f22ef3d9e… | a258fa8c486204b3… |
Total: 4 Trades | 5.0 | 2,850.0 | |||
To reduce the loading time, we only show the latest 100 of 4 trades. Click here to see all trades. |