Asset Details for: mythical60

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Trade History for mythical60 (3 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
23.08.2024 08:36:51 1 3701.00000000 3701.00000000 e596b150dbb5277f… debc71084fd0a0fa…
26.07.2024 19:34:54 1 3750.00000000 3750.00000000 d6b6ebf5266dfb33… e7cc91f2351e8fae…
16.07.2024 20:22:11 1 4010.00000000 4010.00000000 97fcacfd550ba4bf… 58d407569253eec6…
Total: 3 Trades 3.0 11,461.0
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