Asset Details for: PLTDAO

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Trade History for PLTDAO (3 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
11.02.2020 13:25:59 50.0000 1.60000000 80.00000000 88366f91ff002b78… 6904522ba82a1558…
11.02.2020 13:24:59 50.0000 2.00000000 100.00000000 e02c6f6f360aaeda… 95678cf0a8b224a0…
11.05.2019 18:59:23 100.0000 1.60000000 160.00000000 df21ee57e4dd4db5… bb3bb4e52e41390a…
Total: 3 Trades 200.0 340.0
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