Asset Details for: TECH

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Trade History for TECH (4 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
23.03.2018 20:29:45 14.32 1.00000000 14.32000000 8dd4559d6fe37f04… b98ee2ecd9567b2a…
09.03.2018 17:54:11 16.89 1.00000000 16.89000000 67a5d52a6c458b81… b98ee2ecd9567b2a…
08.03.2018 17:20:20 12.66 1.00000000 12.66000000 68a2531ef4a38f01… b98ee2ecd9567b2a…
01.03.2018 23:12:57 8.63 1.00000000 8.63000000 c1eb1746633b7669… b98ee2ecd9567b2a…
Total: 4 Trades 52.5 52.5
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