Last 100 accounts that own the Asset right now

All 3 Accounts
Account Account Name Asset Quantity Asset Value Total Account Balance
ARDOR-X55Q-HC52-P96P-CCGH5 A. Mitev - ArdorBG 999,968,700.0000 pcs. 599,981,220.00000000 IGNIS 131,271 IGNIS
ARDOR-CKHE-SEFY-PD9D-HCJJL ArdorBG 21,300.0000 pcs. 12,780.00000000 IGNIS 1,901,342 IGNIS
ARDOR-YHJE-V87J-ZAHF-G7S8S ArdorBG 10,000.0000 pcs. 6,000.00000000 IGNIS 4,136,420 IGNIS
3 Accounts