I open crowdfunding for the implementation of certain tasks. So the funding for the project is limited, and the community wants the project to develop. I suggest you take part in the development of the project, donate GPS, ARDR, IGNIS to Ardor.World. Wallet address of the project ARDOR-P5GE-WNF8-M5CP-8GENB. The ultimate goal is to collect an amount equivalent to 50,000 ARDOR
Crowdfunding is closed. Funds have been collected.
Objectives which are to be solved:
- Asset Exchange Report for GPS and others child chains (analogue https://www.ardor.world/ignis_reporting/)
- Monetary System Report for Ignis and others child chain (analogue https://www.ardor.world/ignis_reporting/)
- Specific Blochchain Explorer DGS, Data, Alias and child chains
- Web-push Notifications about transactions NXT, ARDOR
- Personal account with 3 types of CSV exports transaction
- Adding GPS to the telegram bot (notification, balance)
- Ardor / Nxt Ecosystem resources(links board)
- Graphic Gallery for Ardor/Nxt memes