Name | The Alternative World Currency Partnership - AZ (Headquarters) |
Description | The Alternative World Currency Partnership is a conglomerate of ordinary people achieving extraordinary things. Since the conceptual birth of Bitcoin back in 2009 till now. Crypto Currencies have sparked the interest of people from all over the world. It is here at the AWCP that we value the necessity of financial freedom and independence! |
Public Key | c01a11fb42a3cd0bde1904f4b347a3aee686fc8492c9df61e05803f659947979 |
Account ID: | NXT-9BZC-5SCS-GSK2-4GNKT |
Numeric Account ID | 3226422442918651882 |
Balance NXT | 119.96427352 NXT |
Balance BTC | ~ 0.00000120 BTC |
Balance USD | ~ 0.11 USD |
Name | Amount | Amount NXT | Amount BTC | Amount USD |
ARDR | 120.555 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
nxtegregor | 27.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
Nxttycoins | 22000.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
Privatebet | 1.149 | ~3.5619 | ~0.00000004 | ~0.0 |
ATOMIC | 1.0 | ~0.01 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
NXTprivacy | 1.0 | ~0.1 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
FreeMarket | 1.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
SkyNET | 0.75 | ~0.0075 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
Pangea | 0.75 | ~0.0075 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
Jay | 0.75 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
NeoDICE | 0.5 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
SuperNET | 0.458 | ~0.01374 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
crypto777 | 0.806 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
RGDO | 5.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
TVE | 0.018 | ~0.000216 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
BTCDdev | 0.5 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
FARLAWEB | 0.005 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
SLEUTH | 0.5 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
longzai | 0.25 | ~0.00025 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
OPALTKN | 15.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
jl777hodl | 15.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
NXTventure | 10.0 | ~0.01 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
vpn2nxt | 10.0 | ~0.5 | ~0.00000001 | ~0.0 |
Apple | 10.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
aliasgroup | 10.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
NXTautoDAC | 3.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
NXTInspect | 1.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
HRNXTPool | 1.0 | ~0.0 | ~0.00000000 | ~0.0 |
Total NXT | ~ 124.17537952 NXT |
Total BTC | ~ 0.00000124 BTC |
Total USD | ~ 0.11 USD |