Nxt Get Balance


Name Kiosmansk
Description I'm an Ancap from the Southern US who has a strong alliance with the principles of freedom/liberty. Virtue is my guide, reason is my ally. I'm into Austrian economics and Freedomain Radio. Let's all build a brighter future together, one revolution at a time. If you've managed to stumble across me at a random - Hi! Please feel free to message me as I love to talk to new people.
Public Key f1b2f604837e72fbba98de538b9e6e29701a4fce7f88b471e3238a9bb7674f51
Account ID: NXT-A9GH-ZEQ5-CBE8-26CX9
Numeric Account ID 285209996976987599
Balance NXT 3.23880351 NXT
Balance BTC ~ 0.00000003 BTC
Balance USD ~ 0.0 USD


Name Amount Amount NXT Amount BTC Amount USD
Adelphoi 13360.385 ~133.60385 ~0.00000134 ~0.12
ARDR 400000.085 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
JLRDA 4.0 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
JLRDA 3.0 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
nxtegregor 27.0 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
BankRoll 9900.0 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
DORCS 1050.0 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
RGDO 5.0 ~0.0 ~0.00000000 ~0.0
vpn2nxt 20.0 ~1.0 ~0.00000001 ~0.0


Total NXT ~ 137.84265351 NXT
Total BTC ~ 0.00000138 BTC
Total USD ~ 0.12 USD