Asset Details for: LINKBUILD

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset ID: 11240133193452178590
Issuer RS: NXT-FTJF-Q6DM-47XC-54EC2
Issuer ID: 3470448684975973901
Issuer Transaction: 11240133193452178590
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of LINKBUILD
Quantity: 5,700,000,000
Decimals: 4
# of Trades: 23
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 2.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 9.5 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 2
Last Trade Date: 05.07.2017 00:44:00
The LINKBUILD asset is part of the crowdfunding campaign for the development and promotion of the linkbuilding management tool: More info:

Sell LINKBUILD for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy LINKBUILD with NXT - Open Sell Orders (2 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-EPSG-46SM-HL4T-CAXN6 270.0 9.5 2565.0
NXT-FTJF-Q6DM-47XC-54EC2 60156.0 10.0 601560.0
Total: Asks 19.5 604,125.0

Trade History for LINKBUILD (23 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
05.07.2017 00:44:00 7504.3127 2.0 15008.62 3482915324116842770 15709020304631529338
05.07.2017 00:27:57 118.0 2.0 236.0 3482915324116842770 15406366468425870529
04.07.2017 16:21:15 1500.0 2.0 3000.0 3482915324116842770 12314599318110772625
04.07.2017 16:05:04 400.0 2.0 800.0 3482915324116842770 1508014246048512029
04.07.2017 15:34:04 313.0 2.0 626.0 3482915324116842770 7680089064059477691
04.07.2017 13:42:20 548.0 2.0 1096.0 3482915324116842770 9544294523526880504
04.07.2017 13:15:03 133.0 2.0 266.0 3482915324116842770 8622581334973759373
04.07.2017 12:56:29 10.0 2.0 20.0 3482915324116842770 16335795408252313917
15.06.2017 14:59:00 232.0 2.0 464.0 3482915324116842770 12165841999832732308
11.05.2017 11:39:37 250.0 5.9573 1489.33 8587516860323338559 17944242043218037495
06.05.2017 08:40:43 20.0 5.9573 119.15 8587516860323338559 12164022419478369565
05.05.2017 18:28:19 200.0 5.9573 1191.46 8587516860323338559 697985004315154435
30.04.2017 01:51:00 500.0 5.9574 2978.7 18410516016023722816 15782864820384977905
29.04.2017 20:32:06 149.0 5.9574 887.65 18410516016023722816 5284314355663994207
29.04.2017 19:27:14 201.0 6.6999 1346.68 6424941922848168565 2540068975676961947
26.04.2017 02:45:06 10.0 9.9999 100.0 8864801250901048298 3552802600866273917
24.04.2017 07:14:37 1.0 9.9999 10.0 8864801250901048298 9899788782469153200
20.04.2017 15:29:49 5.0 10.0 50.0 9760412581265552146 10857967578251796965
19.04.2017 08:26:23 180.0 10.0 1800.0 9760412581265552146 11921501504472033311
18.04.2017 14:43:41 4100.0 10.0 41000.0 9760412581265552146 8464192873120683055
17.04.2017 18:16:58 200.0 10.0 2000.0 9760412581265552146 10468449294598754045
17.04.2017 05:19:38 10.0 10.0 100.0 9760412581265552146 10195215448765201609
17.04.2017 03:37:07 200.0 10.0 2000.0 9760412581265552146 7277415361770586788
Total: Trades 16,784.3127 76,589.5878
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