Asset Details for: OpenFund

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: OpenFund
Asset ID: 11827592488608861208
Issuer ID: 11998810644789400080
Issuer Transaction: 11827592488608861208
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of OpenFund
Quantity: 1,750,000,000,000
Decimals: 4
# of Trades: 27
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 5.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 5.44 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 2
Last Trade Date: 13.11.2016 22:11:39
Our goal is to invest in promising projects within virtual currency and virtual environments. And in projects with higher estimated future regular income or a substantial increase in investment value. All profits will be reinvested and thus will significantly increase the value of its shares. Investments will be placed in TOP currencies. After the subscription of 1% of the shares will be regularly published reports on investment. After the subscription of 0,1% of the shares offer investors owning more than 1,000 shares of the possibility of re divestitures. After subscription of 0,5% of the shares to limit the sale of shares will be reduced to 500 / investor and the subscription of 1% of the shares continuously offer the opportunity to sell its shares to all our investors. This redemptions for investors significantly reduces the investment risk! NXT is not only a new generation currency. NXT is a new life. Invest your NXT ! Invest with OPENFUND !

Sell OpenFund for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy OpenFund with NXT - Open Sell Orders (2 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-5BSY-7R56-2MEB-AE2EH 584.0 5.44 3176.96
NXT-L6JJ-QQ2X-X8FK-CQ43F 8999.0 5.45 49044.55
Total: Asks 10.89 52,221.51

Trade History for OpenFund (27 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
13.11.2016 22:11:39 10.0 5.0 50.0 6751218368686543326 13162451441625788289
27.08.2015 05:46:34 10.0 5.44 54.4 12068105732361086699 11927729236320989548
28.07.2015 19:50:19 101.0 5.0 505.0 8571974862609567091 13162451441625788289
18.03.2015 21:03:28 454.0 5.04 2288.16 8369241664198573228 8839694936814319632
26.02.2015 04:05:04 46.0 5.04 231.84 3840445424716879119 8839694936814319632
18.01.2015 15:30:13 500.0 5.0 2500.0 11119944298048620142 11959416637980020806
20.11.2014 00:28:39 1001.0 5.45 5455.45 16968355461519717081 4754173324815554462
19.11.2014 02:00:11 100.0 5.351 535.1 10579487599286234905 17126823634668488565
11.08.2014 20:05:41 10.0 5.349 53.49 11567297813171908248 6020632638973728466
10.08.2014 14:31:58 3.0 5.345 16.04 6140477540999616930 8731955790058498277
10.08.2014 14:31:58 2.0 5.345 10.69 6140477540999616930 17868149719685985924
10.08.2014 14:31:58 5.0 5.345 26.73 6140477540999616930 13347895215539099434
10.08.2014 14:26:37 3.0 5.345 16.04 6140477540999616930 3689034698175361236
10.08.2014 14:26:37 2.0 5.345 10.69 6140477540999616930 18223266044232764191
10.08.2014 14:26:37 5.0 5.345 26.73 6140477540999616930 17557494944374583129
09.08.2014 20:51:59 25.0 5.345 133.62 6140477540999616930 12681205526567689304
09.08.2014 16:42:14 10.0 3.9999 40.0 8162702370303782768 2253235377976373706
09.08.2014 13:18:25 35.0 5.345 187.08 6140477540999616930 4025487333588275242
09.08.2014 13:08:14 1250.0 5.315 6643.75 13292165703524065924 14532846252705215253
09.08.2014 13:06:50 90.0 5.125 461.25 1563893768032404696 7842490941019660633
09.08.2014 13:06:50 10.0 4.0 40.0 10154770859221306037 14380340554560559781
09.08.2014 03:40:25 5.0 5.125 25.62 1563893768032404696 415143549561851450
09.08.2014 03:22:40 2.0 5.125 10.25 1563893768032404696 4393303870748660026
09.08.2014 03:13:42 3.0 5.125 15.38 1563893768032404696 4401704926971074839
09.08.2014 00:50:15 50.0 5.25 262.5 7548674707551318131 739332401690589385
09.08.2014 00:41:28 9.0 5.0 45.0 14420076927725658620 13841530661569541007
09.08.2014 00:27:10 1.0 5.0 5.0 14420076927725658620 11723792023507870315
Total: Trades 3,742.0 19,649.789
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