Asset Details for: nXtGenKHS

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: nXtGenKHS
Asset ID: 12178299813760950396
Issuer ID: 15327627882212711212
Issuer Transaction: 12178299813760950396
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of nXtGenKHS
Quantity: 3,105
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 247
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.01 NXT
Bid Price: 0.01 NXT
Ask Price: 0.5 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 1
Open Ask Orders: 1
Last Trade Date: 01.04.2018 10:39:46
nXtGen Mining is offering mining shares valued at 1 KHS per share. nXtGen Mining will be partnering with Knights of the Satoshi Ltd. to facilatate hosting of the equipment at a very competitive rate. This will allow for a more profitable venture. We will merge mine Scrypt coins on a decentralized pool which will allow us to make a larger ROI. We will use the profits from mining to buy NXT and distrubute it through dividends to all shareholders. There will be a 3% fee to cover expenses such as electricity, hosting, etc. Dividends will be paid on a weekly basis. Further information will be found through the alias nXtGenMining or the website

Sell nXtGenKHS for NXT - Open Buy Orders (1 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-2QHW-NDEM-REAV-39CF3 930.0 0.01 9.3
Total: Bids 0.0 9.3

Buy nXtGenKHS with NXT - Open Sell Orders (1 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-A3CC-YG8Z-HNFP-23QMS 100.0 0.5 50.0
Total: Asks 0.0 50.0

Trade History for nXtGenKHS (247 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
01.04.2018 10:39:46 30.0 0.01 0.3 2524822731813308978 10974433215981719565
31.05.2017 13:47:57 40.0 0.01 0.4 7965154093371246744 10974433215981719565
28.02.2016 10:40:41 100.0 0.1 10.0 10695490616777788472 172957866987094134
22.06.2015 08:47:47 80.0 1.0 80.0 6597599428201001324 3200975849325261069
14.04.2015 19:07:11 10.0 1.0 10.0 6597599428201001324 1262701885216778825
19.01.2015 06:31:00 16.0 1.0 16.0 6597599428201001324 7615578462052355060
30.10.2014 03:06:10 16.0 1.7 27.2 12201540722318924329 13646520546480721568
29.10.2014 10:28:35 818.0 0.1 81.8 17500021391351402603 12523713259624754586
28.10.2014 21:31:28 15.0 1.7 25.5 12201540722318924329 8365522318689910100
21.10.2014 11:36:05 25.0 1.5 37.5 13098095676939946756 7048694804098020998
18.10.2014 01:58:25 20.0 1.5 30.0 13098095676939946756 12885841623843296452
15.10.2014 06:04:52 5.0 1.5 7.5 13098095676939946756 16633734060873440799
03.10.2014 18:50:51 224.0 1.5001 336.02 10854145453533898764 13332287762469226149
02.10.2014 08:05:37 116.0 1.5001 174.01 14784078891594816977 13332287762469226149
01.10.2014 22:51:48 18.0 1.5001 27.0 11462852024024358427 13332287762469226149
26.09.2014 04:19:43 47.0 1.5001 70.5 4109395072064272497 13332287762469226149
23.09.2014 14:42:35 200.0 1.5001 300.02 11052472806838433695 13332287762469226149
11.09.2014 22:49:05 18.0 1.8 32.4 131742969802684216 14645508958608494970
09.09.2014 15:27:22 125.0 1.5001 187.51 12049101320697648371 13332287762469226149
07.09.2014 02:26:24 50.0 1.6 80.0 1724633026138924441 8206815770460041445
07.09.2014 02:26:24 950.0 1.5001 1425.1 1724633026138924441 13332287762469226149
05.09.2014 21:02:45 3.0 2.5 7.5 8343312705249752924 11933365665025954847
01.09.2014 20:26:26 997.0 2.5 2492.5 12102656403324569138 11933365665025954847
01.09.2014 12:03:14 2.0 2.5 5.0 12102656403324569138 6719479671864372972
31.08.2014 04:55:46 320.0 1.5001 480.03 3962968988634462336 13332287762469226149
31.08.2014 04:55:46 100.0 2.0 200.0 10535888126611275605 12666198879084233209
31.08.2014 04:55:46 100.0 1.81 181.0 10754792035224175950 16370367511892516079
31.08.2014 04:55:46 25.0 1.8 45.0 10754792035224175950 8690405394428708909
31.08.2014 04:55:46 100.0 1.8 180.0 3962968988634462336 8690405394428708909
26.08.2014 11:24:11 94.0 2.5 235.0 12102656403324569138 1849015885262494455
26.08.2014 09:08:24 6.0 2.5 15.0 12102656403324569138 8003130069854191162
24.08.2014 04:39:20 6.0 2.5 15.0 12102656403324569138 9492116461654299920
14.08.2014 15:37:22 16.0 2.8 44.8 10350049413221987249 4734019685620777414
06.08.2014 18:20:34 25.0 1.8 45.0 4899162634527667656 8690405394428708909
04.08.2014 04:17:06 2.0 2.69 5.38 8345852277762168306 6114182894554486681
02.08.2014 15:37:47 25.0 1.8 45.0 16844118098080051461 8690405394428708909
01.08.2014 04:40:03 33.0 1.8 59.4 17163474107149312358 8690405394428708909
31.07.2014 01:33:24 200.0 2.0 400.0 17288471369983632341 1139164440280033609
30.07.2014 18:17:24 30.0 2.8 84.0 10350049413221987249 15341906449634955902
30.07.2014 17:03:27 500.0 2.5 1250.0 8543092968604372638 9835997747043839036
28.07.2014 05:39:45 110.0 2.8 308.0 10350049413221987249 14338291521714851653
24.07.2014 23:29:52 2000.0 3.0 6000.0 3042692275576512758 10515805829402560351
24.07.2014 17:35:18 35.0 3.0 105.0 3042692275576512758 387736837161134140
24.07.2014 10:30:09 9.0 3.0 27.0 3042692275576512758 16528916919869427405
24.07.2014 03:22:18 1000.0 2.3 2300.0 17461607829417531801 11801690424001112416
24.07.2014 03:15:13 55.0 2.8 154.0 12878693746582120504 3651040916329623620
24.07.2014 01:55:05 45.0 2.5 112.5 11771437147113653328 6580378701765853987
24.07.2014 01:50:21 1000.0 2.25 2250.0 7037339859175245292 15168789987232451327
23.07.2014 22:15:08 209.0 2.05 428.45 7148913642943995691 13861234471128329017
23.07.2014 22:06:27 200.0 2.2 440.0 16383500209915816451 9891051537144438161
23.07.2014 21:11:39 791.0 2.05 1621.55 17490254516154107002 13861234471128329017
23.07.2014 07:20:36 25.0 2.15 53.75 5651816450687226238 8274482749224785883
23.07.2014 06:49:31 17.0 2.15 36.55 5651816450687226238 8894791231144450252
23.07.2014 06:42:12 17.0 2.15 36.55 5651816450687226238 12714156184154033383
23.07.2014 05:53:13 1015.0 1.99 2019.85 13594147599378432993 15939356834730193502
23.07.2014 05:40:50 335.0 1.99 666.65 13594147599378432993 2625082669744846974
22.07.2014 23:12:13 230.0 1.8 414.0 7430472697515025922 8690405394428708909
22.07.2014 19:54:48 200.0 2.14 428.0 18287745510556960076 5638769114171885600
22.07.2014 04:57:29 62.0 1.8 111.6 1365718167781661052 8690405394428708909
22.07.2014 04:31:36 23.0 2.2 50.6 6409306908433234328 5410224736485864687
21.07.2014 23:24:51 130.0 2.2 286.0 6409306908433234328 12746506888798404014
21.07.2014 19:20:10 9.0 2.2 19.8 6409306908433234328 15531786775478217373
21.07.2014 01:01:24 8.0 2.2 17.6 6409306908433234328 12093421224853302346
20.07.2014 15:01:48 600.0 2.2 1320.0 15449982385144408164 11772858025685174098
18.07.2014 12:40:12 850.0 1.7001 1445.09 17389328914020482589 3334571787012361630
18.07.2014 01:30:14 1350.0 1.705 2301.75 15456092898537533192 76462823438784907
18.07.2014 01:29:19 300.0 1.8 540.0 6221563810608461786 17136636605915242022
17.07.2014 20:50:28 700.0 1.8 1260.0 4020974327831275886 17136636605915242022
17.07.2014 14:54:36 200.0 2.0 400.0 6240211911039097677 9484252471600612489
17.07.2014 14:24:01 200.0 2.1 420.0 17954669864352593845 4718316879073963217
17.07.2014 14:24:01 550.0 2.0 1100.0 17954669864352593845 9484252471600612489
16.07.2014 16:20:06 25.0 2.0 50.0 12756563020838694568 6519170872337355879
14.07.2014 21:40:14 1282.0 2.95 3781.9 1943634891621347948 13863390961786987699
14.07.2014 11:33:26 290.0 3.0 870.0 3042692275576512758 1753825715513615944
14.07.2014 08:13:04 820.0 2.95 2419.0 4728013976767886761 1510189517658853754
14.07.2014 06:51:44 85.0 3.0 255.0 3042692275576512758 13764311693439492166
14.07.2014 06:34:06 47.0 3.0 141.0 3042692275576512758 7754692672934498520
13.07.2014 20:08:28 600.0 3.0 1800.0 3042692275576512758 9456532072556561714
13.07.2014 18:19:03 515.0 3.0 1545.0 3042692275576512758 15980270881175422299
13.07.2014 18:06:32 500.0 3.0 1500.0 3042692275576512758 3369128157499796343
12.07.2014 22:18:16 1232.0 3.0 3696.0 3042692275576512758 4518025770127730757
12.07.2014 22:18:16 50.0 2.99 149.5 8441257182039621143 9308265977368705813
12.07.2014 00:06:34 212.0 2.9 614.8 896280405260685137 6338616501945046308
12.07.2014 00:04:51 427.0 2.85 1216.95 5509213593905889000 14755090351084185914
11.07.2014 18:24:16 75.0 2.85 213.75 5509213593905889000 4742622243905910901
11.07.2014 05:53:38 22.0 2.85 62.7 5509213593905889000 18083962276633850755
11.07.2014 02:48:56 141.0 2.5 352.5 3797016844006470612 6990002821431944272
11.07.2014 01:00:45 23.0 2.1 48.3 16124066486341410382 3787854247431575483
10.07.2014 19:40:48 10.0 2.85 28.5 5509213593905889000 10786303987593283163
10.07.2014 18:29:06 150.0 2.85 427.5 5509213593905889000 3483520147661823862
10.07.2014 11:15:31 34.0 2.89 98.26 9404288106892456640 5956400556778538135
10.07.2014 08:34:27 30.0 2.89 86.7 9404288106892456640 5771004486231566675
10.07.2014 06:41:03 40.0 2.89 115.6 9404288106892456640 16564829783967985940
09.07.2014 21:11:55 500.0 2.89 1445.0 9404288106892456640 11553733766673212290
09.07.2014 20:12:22 218.0 2.89 630.02 9404288106892456640 14174231312452124357
09.07.2014 20:11:01 600.0 2.79 1674.0 13640031454545900712 7251097895024636069
09.07.2014 07:02:47 22.0 2.89 63.58 9404288106892456640 13706743970764977667
09.07.2014 07:00:04 53.0 2.88 152.64 5830133112761971381 13386576449453989481
09.07.2014 01:40:24 16.0 2.6 41.6 6832511698384834439 14429281968466271170
08.07.2014 14:46:56 10.0 2.88 28.8 5830133112761971381 2063081405125566879
Total: Trades 115,859.0 372,962.395
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