Asset Details for: ARDR [confirmed]

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: ARDR
Asset ID: 12422608354438203866
Issuer RS: NXT-FQ28-G9SQ-BG8M-6V6QH
Issuer ID: 5177058685346043910
Issuer Transaction: 12422608354438203866
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of ARDR
Quantity: 9,984,662,312,566
Decimals: 4
# of Trades: 29,035
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 1.249 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date: 28.12.2017 19:31:57
The ARDR token represents the amount of Ardor each account will receive in the future Nxt 2.0 / Ardor blockchain. Ardor in that system will be the token used to establish consensus and to create new blocks. This ARDR token will be automatically distributed to user accounts at block 1,000,000, and after that will become freely tradeable.

Sell ARDR for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

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Total: Bids 0 0

Buy ARDR with NXT - Open Sell Orders (0 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Asks 0 0

Trade History for ARDR (29035 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
28.12.2017 19:31:57 1.0 1.249 1.25 11525363581192388085 6306165482005857874
28.12.2017 19:31:57 1.0 1.249 1.25 11525363581192388085 321124398848811468
28.12.2017 19:22:14 5000.0 1.25 6250.0 5653390395944409283 13868181029800391052
28.12.2017 19:20:36 13659.1234 1.25 17073.9 14348644871757875628 13868181029800391052
28.12.2017 19:20:36 6340.8766 1.25 7926.1 6585399309162442310 13868181029800391052
28.12.2017 19:20:10 499.1825 1.249 623.48 14931214724182511693 2737051014506709537
28.12.2017 19:19:01 13659.1234 1.25 17073.9 6585399309162442310 5508390580927488944
28.12.2017 19:18:43 10.0 1.249 12.49 16687469625955992024 5508390580927488944
28.12.2017 19:18:43 5272.9766 1.249 6585.95 264911752010977491 5508390580927488944
28.12.2017 19:18:43 816.9 1.23 1004.79 17282581860656870341 5508390580927488944
28.12.2017 19:18:43 241.0 1.23 296.43 17326304867975554404 5508390580927488944
28.12.2017 19:16:13 2000.0 1.1 2200.0 1288588116318579772 4979021621589700661
28.12.2017 19:16:03 1.0 1.23 1.23 17326304867975554404 17075105999872768755
28.12.2017 19:15:10 1.0 1.23 1.23 17326304867975554404 2941043115581486128
28.12.2017 19:15:10 1.0 1.23 1.23 17326304867975554404 13769208453582778213
28.12.2017 19:15:10 816.9 1.23 1004.79 5536238456013804002 12738606268650365397
28.12.2017 19:12:41 5.0 1.23 6.15 13861872574991056790 12738606268650365397
28.12.2017 19:12:41 4727.0234 1.249 5904.05 264911752010977491 7795464345786162564
28.12.2017 19:12:41 644.0 1.2395 798.24 7358663260064830569 7795464345786162564
28.12.2017 19:12:41 4628.9766 1.23 5693.65 573990564409053017 7795464345786162564
28.12.2017 19:12:41 1.0 1.23 1.23 573990564409053017 17835241038310672170
28.12.2017 19:08:08 100.0 1.05 105.0 7449745905858596119 3784223135009676570
28.12.2017 19:06:34 144.0 1.03 148.32 9836249337110516055 3784223135009676570
28.12.2017 19:04:48 1.0 1.03 1.03 9836249337110516055 11294565627794490766
28.12.2017 19:04:48 600.0234 1.23 738.02 573990564409053017 4741932248038635172
28.12.2017 19:04:48 144.0 1.03 148.32 9539153403573293948 11294565627794490766
28.12.2017 19:04:48 1.0 1.03 1.03 9539153403573293948 11289786858058971024
28.12.2017 19:01:09 1437.0 1.03 1480.11 17079033612582767186 12358511818587461542
28.12.2017 18:59:00 58325.0 1.05 61241.25 15423827546561355735 17454532314062773226
28.12.2017 18:50:59 8551.0 1.03 8807.53 8229525821782221614 12358511818587461542
28.12.2017 18:50:59 9988.0244 1.03 10287.66 3988808101528704841 15181456511169139327
28.12.2017 18:46:29 2000.0 1.03 2060.0 7050012951225699671 18131804431114650182
28.12.2017 18:44:51 11.9756 1.03 12.34 7050012951225699671 8746476696953924773
28.12.2017 18:43:37 811.0 1.0202 827.38 3696063467436191609 7661286386184944902
28.12.2017 18:43:37 10000.0 1.03 10300.0 11673077033277269104 13730981447494664900
28.12.2017 18:40:17 2380.0 1.04 2475.2 11838333686197435952 3472777164451139515
28.12.2017 18:34:23 2000.0 1.24 2480.0 1003848984394880270 14871568639392321716
28.12.2017 18:28:23 4850.0 1.03 4995.5 16883270784390376967 15412774739247168617
28.12.2017 18:27:24 300.0 1.1 330.0 7880570325983799935 15545397786918344749
28.12.2017 18:27:24 20.0 1.2502 25.0 4423485295470713078 5686136682442796943
28.12.2017 18:17:08 140.0 1.14 159.6 14722509585819565906 14400225772398735618
28.12.2017 18:17:08 616.0 1.189 732.42 15385810261091753661 14435150791148965963
28.12.2017 18:13:50 2400.0 1.2502 3000.48 4423485295470713078 2505503467830304019
28.12.2017 18:01:21 400.0 1.2502 500.08 4423485295470713078 4022174750702436163
28.12.2017 17:58:09 1606.842 1.2502 2008.87 4423485295470713078 8089261908281091797
28.12.2017 17:58:09 143.158 1.22 174.66 34934373388233470 8089261908281091797
28.12.2017 17:54:52 600.0 1.2001 720.06 4550366567780091431 12575484630240377827
28.12.2017 17:40:37 1.0 1.2502 1.25 4423485295470713078 5102395223643997848
28.12.2017 17:38:22 2000.0 1.2502 2500.4 4423485295470713078 10494528396412684006
28.12.2017 17:34:56 31.5 1.2502 39.38 4423485295470713078 3740335055185916231
28.12.2017 17:34:56 2400.0 1.2502 3000.48 4423485295470713078 17838818252376693292
28.12.2017 17:16:26 1.0 1.2502 1.25 4423485295470713078 10223853276574874320
28.12.2017 17:11:09 300.0 1.2502 375.06 4423485295470713078 15000780703000879127
28.12.2017 17:06:10 799.0 1.2502 998.91 4423485295470713078 508151198995512517
28.12.2017 16:51:53 10000.0 1.25 12500.0 16139899665825971648 11860654012368683691
28.12.2017 16:25:41 410.0 1.2001 492.04 15896638562916057883 12575484630240377827
28.12.2017 16:25:25 600.0 1.2001 720.06 15896638562916057883 9377717003323910619
28.12.2017 16:24:05 9350.9131 1.189 11118.23 5502013993229246464 14435150791148965963
28.12.2017 16:24:05 566.0 1.2 679.2 5502013993229246464 8252728489753756456
28.12.2017 16:24:05 50.0 1.2 60.0 5502013993229246464 13986780443839175302
28.12.2017 16:24:05 700.0 1.2001 840.07 448169171410547067 15971167283397987733
28.12.2017 16:19:54 250.0 1.4888 372.2 3483082968157544207 14802719209467686351
28.12.2017 16:10:44 5.0 1.4888 7.44 3483082968157544207 342263578170211832
28.12.2017 16:07:40 5.0 1.4888 7.44 3483082968157544207 5417845518545994768
28.12.2017 16:05:42 100.0 1.4888 148.88 3483082968157544207 9787538004411002101
28.12.2017 15:56:20 40.0 1.2 48.0 5425964389401453559 13986780443839175302
28.12.2017 15:55:40 100.0 1.2 120.0 12136310614339425545 1962866697004552361
28.12.2017 15:41:07 11.0 1.2 13.2 4796885972631894724 1962866697004552361
28.12.2017 15:41:07 90.0 1.2 108.0 4088715652442742254 13669990019994092397
28.12.2017 15:34:00 10.0 1.2 12.0 4088715652442742254 14302610706712521587
28.12.2017 15:28:07 1.0 1.4888 1.49 3483082968157544207 16058022963032533080
28.12.2017 15:06:09 500.0 1.35 675.0 7517783514825093590 5934751048487383066
28.12.2017 15:06:09 618.9766 1.3999 866.51 9293349772571404366 9195728266287379381
28.12.2017 14:06:55 28.0 1.4888 41.69 6035021283706043360 11032189873609433525
28.12.2017 13:54:22 88.0234 1.3999 123.22 17172106315359469465 9195728266287379381
28.12.2017 13:51:58 0.2136 1.4 0.29 6556096888645467809 10604790397095522652
28.12.2017 13:38:58 100.0 1.4888 148.88 6035021283706043360 2067931222515053800
28.12.2017 13:35:51 4.0 1.4 5.6 18311022838037496273 10604790397095522652
28.12.2017 13:04:12 0.7864 1.4 1.11 14186129812563427764 10604790397095522652
28.12.2017 12:57:11 342.0 1.222 417.92 8461503228780482531 16504920038537713703
28.12.2017 12:28:51 1798.0 1.1899 2139.44 16471915627849006240 10248759421165033598
28.12.2017 12:25:39 3.0 1.222 3.67 8461503228780482531 3456315076316748170
28.12.2017 12:16:18 33.0869 1.189 39.34 5037256253753902868 14435150791148965963
28.12.2017 11:45:21 345.0 1.21 417.45 15560219031096953341 2797245794361870574
28.12.2017 11:41:34 1655.0 1.21 2002.55 10204883294665372619 2797245794361870574
28.12.2017 11:41:34 345.0 1.222 421.59 10204883294665372619 11485549758063984491
28.12.2017 11:12:02 3000.0 1.3999 4199.7 15767637740348521802 8440815396409649293
28.12.2017 11:04:33 510.0 1.222 623.22 13559041063555451190 11485549758063984491
28.12.2017 10:57:51 0.4 1.3999 0.56 15320690859458448077 6723461609255915341
28.12.2017 10:56:49 0.9 1.3999 1.26 15320690859458448077 13882854410600133213
28.12.2017 10:55:35 42.0 1.3999 58.8 15320690859458448077 7831218026727541151
28.12.2017 10:33:46 498.0 1.3999 697.15 15320690859458448077 1245124945878151259
28.12.2017 10:33:46 1852.0 1.3999 2592.61 17034752002748864385 1245124945878151259
28.12.2017 10:33:46 498.0 1.3999 697.15 17034752002748864385 10306610881397244383
28.12.2017 10:28:57 2350.0 1.3999 3289.76 1925075675623346614 10306610881397244383
28.12.2017 10:18:35 999.2136 1.4 1398.89 14186129812563427764 17681667397026550314
28.12.2017 10:18:35 0.7864 1.399 1.11 11373365203585036434 17681667397026550314
28.12.2017 10:14:05 9999.2136 1.399 13988.89 11373365203585036434 8023308214907324437
28.12.2017 10:14:05 0.7864 1.36 1.07 3077793175086955547 8023308214907324437
28.12.2017 09:31:51 40.0 1.222 48.88 9771077425843869460 11485549758063984491
Total: Trades 223,836,052.5403 385,044,868.7159683
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