Asset Details for: CoreMedia

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: CoreMedia
Asset ID: 1584198250936051677
Issuer RS: NXT-T4BJ-M2B6-9LHP-8YG77
Issuer ID: 7103828731970226480
Issuer Transaction: 1584198250936051677
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of CoreMedia
Quantity: 24,217
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 137
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.1 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0.1 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 1
Last Trade Date: 18.12.2017 15:37:48
Representing numerous media channels, CORE Media is an initiative giving legitimacy to assets built on the most ​innovative​ platforms. With a range of skilled writers and dedicated professionals bringing the most up to date crypto-currency news, this project is geared to support legitimate assets with a mandate to introduce the world to the 'Internet of Money'. Working side by side with Core Media is 'CORE' the Asset, Core Magazine and Core Radio.

Sell CoreMedia for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy CoreMedia with NXT - Open Sell Orders (1 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-RWYB-WHGZ-QM9R-3KE9R 30.0 0.1 3.0
Total: Asks 0.0 3.0

Trade History for CoreMedia (137 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
18.12.2017 15:37:48 10.0 0.1 1.0 14664417785220799894 740779650252929016
18.12.2017 15:37:48 490.0 0.1 49.0 14664417785220799894 10335912675710176789
01.07.2017 21:49:51 145.0 9.0 1305.0 12426189781800949555 621372951529408882
01.07.2017 21:49:23 400.0 5.0 2000.0 9041403860202187600 12786802871163760252
02.06.2017 02:49:05 9.0 9.33 83.97 15894918776654728073 11175956242020403649
01.06.2017 15:57:23 6.0 9.33 55.98 15894918776654728073 9913652811726604587
30.05.2017 07:01:36 380.0 5.0 1900.0 8831454744091695331 7691540334488170270
30.05.2017 07:01:36 200.0 9.0 1800.0 14223472424662324524 15225013904827648288
30.05.2017 07:01:36 4.0 9.99 39.96 6958987974432548328 16429556630872313130
20.05.2017 12:18:15 85.0 4.5 382.5 3621830249202005497 17639111284981200021
20.05.2017 12:17:53 380.0 4.0 1520.0 14836868224573087678 6626918301550606701
12.05.2017 23:37:24 200.0 1.01 202.0 4709546692143773007 2033589513942957985
12.05.2017 23:35:19 180.0 1.06 190.8 10278311178154933482 7031557054258360523
12.05.2017 23:34:38 50.0 1.1 55.0 713429951047451027 12836652542093437623
02.04.2017 18:56:25 9996.0 5.0 49980.0 5375916609018762311 12551977599205046015
31.03.2017 11:55:09 1800.0 2.0 3600.0 16949667947891628839 1896974944522223342
08.02.2017 11:24:34 4.0 8.5 34.0 12745556567372660242 11396060151604057829
30.01.2017 09:51:13 20.0 1.06 21.2 2476378342134530083 7031557054258360523
22.01.2017 00:53:25 130.0 4.0 520.0 14613760314758938542 2264843074336355064
22.01.2017 00:53:25 1500.0 4.0 6000.0 14613760314758938542 6477739131604167378
20.01.2017 04:58:11 870.0 4.0 3480.0 7100994180114868081 2264843074336355064
20.01.2017 04:45:25 50.0 4.5 225.0 245521466548579058 7251061452577799878
20.01.2017 04:45:25 250.0 4.1 1025.0 12746527619966537567 14061135903421830974
20.01.2017 04:45:25 1000.0 4.0 4000.0 11381156324825602741 14474119332244423858
09.01.2017 14:26:06 416.0 8.33 3465.28 2325268001878260548 7111949263609031960
09.01.2017 09:14:07 10.0 8.33 83.3 2325268001878260548 1185180065080788690
07.01.2017 04:38:52 1000.0 4.0 4000.0 4569836480703606807 7427830483043309666
04.01.2017 05:00:48 1000.0 4.0 4000.0 6545399521960427397 9439399793789252378
15.11.2016 21:28:35 40.0 1.21 48.4 4012925593868886853 1818238100020026075
02.10.2016 08:25:17 1.0 9.8 9.8 13920596135104541213 11337848724056185560
28.09.2016 11:28:06 1500.0 1.2 1800.0 5789098460067844878 16408003279599657198
04.09.2016 00:32:08 1000.0 7.5 7500.0 1012887816888919664 5988927090239160373
03.09.2016 07:21:30 950.0 10.0 9500.0 14580784435023740171 13758221054022921204
02.09.2016 23:33:45 50.0 10.0 500.0 6599197574216474365 13758221054022921204
12.07.2016 08:33:31 65.0 1.01 65.65 2209837558569353458 9188384031453864316
26.06.2016 11:52:16 200.0 5.0 1000.0 13724677730992662115 13316970852212585447
25.06.2016 13:05:57 20.0 30.0 600.0 2586677330739610388 3327770605766986445
21.06.2016 08:19:12 20.0 10.0 200.0 12382058155214012877 3151072098240171929
12.06.2016 13:46:02 75.0 13.0 975.0 9438645326251005473 4185700774622939200
12.06.2016 13:46:02 175.0 15.0 2625.0 9367892781596181796 4185700774622939200
12.06.2016 13:42:56 40.0 10.0 400.0 3227297252539425772 14168317841934327331
01.06.2016 05:04:51 5.0 12.5 62.5 13146595433394885218 3670798547796518249
18.05.2016 05:26:49 100.0 9.0 900.0 1833708535686839327 17253941550656087799
18.05.2016 05:26:49 45.0 8.5 382.5 1833708535686839327 2132341736566407242
11.05.2016 19:28:05 320.0 11.3 3616.0 8444828290877928785 6562372413149197939
08.05.2016 04:43:15 13.0 12.9 167.7 13945795348281434107 309325773671415799
05.05.2016 00:55:49 350.0 12.9 4515.0 13945795348281434107 7129873443755732234
02.05.2016 05:18:10 22.0 13.0 286.0 12866110400637026972 2600726780814687036
13.04.2016 04:04:21 108.0 13.9 1501.2 11583296196884850210 10035419444936241097
12.04.2016 18:01:54 1.0 13.9 13.9 11583296196884850210 10319430266615941787
04.04.2016 16:00:52 70.0 13.8 966.0 15970320294704784764 14520555541562417208
03.04.2016 01:44:33 10.0 4.0 40.0 17679910736198918530 8291284271973380306
03.04.2016 01:44:33 73.0 3.9 284.7 17679910736198918530 17549454280404624233
03.04.2016 01:43:26 1000.0 8.0 8000.0 9973885344767423995 3816248871190928448
03.04.2016 01:43:26 28.0 9.0 252.0 9973885344767423995 2695345379362117319
02.04.2016 20:21:32 50.0 9.0 450.0 10903531812004221753 2695345379362117319
02.04.2016 12:05:08 30.0 13.8 414.0 15970320294704784764 521087107845874299
31.03.2016 00:28:04 3.0 12.0 36.0 15294507085692770582 11176520064264588301
31.03.2016 00:28:04 82.0 9.0 738.0 15294507085692770582 2695345379362117319
30.03.2016 10:38:04 17.0 12.0 204.0 17227703063701809462 11176520064264588301
28.03.2016 11:59:41 200.0 12.0 2400.0 658249376309909754 5482322075718820305
25.03.2016 14:42:23 200.0 9.0 1800.0 8509890008913850341 4069990068613632198
25.03.2016 14:42:23 200.0 8.5 1700.0 13130275436700888026 4069990068613632198
25.03.2016 14:42:23 150.0 8.0 1200.0 13714620157096795184 4069990068613632198
25.03.2016 14:42:23 18.0 11.0 198.0 5566497056979696696 4069990068613632198
25.03.2016 14:42:23 140.0 7.9999 1119.99 6881622440412145967 4069990068613632198
25.03.2016 14:42:23 959.0 9.9 9494.1 2319743584454009268 4069990068613632198
19.03.2016 06:07:06 76.0 8.9998 683.98 7311199867954294441 11080889232788272582
14.03.2016 08:18:24 25.0 8.9998 225.0 7311199867954294441 9260035050147505901
12.03.2016 22:57:43 1.0 3.7701 3.77 10505151093061305909 9209160006176945674
12.03.2016 21:43:13 100.0 3.7701 377.01 2527382306388460548 9209160006176945674
09.03.2016 10:49:28 200.0 6.0 1200.0 14467184971030836267 15186210179435142115
06.03.2016 14:07:55 10.0 10.999 109.99 13299163472437259253 10816570589248090586
04.03.2016 21:36:44 510.0 3.75 1912.5 951475654621898001 13830878084071061379
04.03.2016 21:35:40 300.0 5.0 1500.0 6423945112312951979 264597820767467011
04.03.2016 21:35:40 150.0 5.001 750.15 8080512023211526846 14736510502620508753
04.03.2016 21:35:40 40.0 4.0 160.0 5245059175427855189 11071065903574100873
04.03.2016 21:35:40 200.0 3.76 752.0 12436630011592699831 407287755208313154
03.03.2016 19:40:29 10.0 12.3 123.0 5948737171047528874 2746369836159362436
03.03.2016 18:27:33 30.0 12.3 369.0 5948737171047528874 10327176720784933628
03.03.2016 02:55:15 472.0 10.0 4720.0 10465323767048709399 3654625953217482570
03.03.2016 01:13:07 197.0 9.999 1969.8 14834454617234718020 15917572311542755548
02.03.2016 15:50:39 28.0 10.0 280.0 10465323767048709399 12643555631351787133
29.02.2016 08:07:33 500.0 6.0 3000.0 4249314050160360249 1675098456362480463
28.02.2016 19:58:13 130.0 9.988 1298.44 14945267732232841500 4553500471024906928
22.02.2016 01:20:11 135.0 1.01 136.35 12302177103426163225 9188384031453864316
22.02.2016 01:13:55 200.0 1.011 202.2 13061017300933471882 14498496793347045489
17.02.2016 19:39:49 1.0 12.3 12.3 5948737171047528874 1827239372785125148
16.02.2016 00:41:28 500.0 11.7 5850.0 12475787833617838565 14652164588406649916
16.02.2016 00:41:28 1.0 15.0 15.0 9367892781596181796 2903121946382228639
16.02.2016 00:40:45 996.0 10.0 9960.0 14190240468572039898 13676187816026466136
08.02.2016 22:24:30 7.0 14.0 98.0 17742685791940606371 1322973990566299384
04.02.2016 20:27:58 29.0 14.0 406.0 17742685791940606371 11669474522808573047
02.02.2016 04:00:22 100.0 14.0 1400.0 17742685791940606371 17359826677074437462
30.01.2016 19:25:04 200.0 14.0 2800.0 17742685791940606371 1439083422922818377
24.01.2016 22:08:23 10.0 14.0 140.0 17742685791940606371 8819473677029869593
24.01.2016 16:56:48 100.0 14.0 1400.0 17742685791940606371 2714516206815885317
21.01.2016 12:17:08 258.0 14.0 3612.0 17742685791940606371 10723629863258700101
21.01.2016 01:58:16 150.0 14.0 2100.0 17742685791940606371 508220352448481101
20.01.2016 11:46:54 150.0 14.0 2100.0 17742685791940606371 2872525658859670973
Total: Trades 51,644.0 459,345.9189
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