Asset Details for: NXTventure

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: NXTventure
Asset ID: 16212446818542881180
Issuer RS: NXT-XRK4-5HYK-5965-9FH4Z
Issuer ID: 9190137219092766242
Issuer Transaction: 16212446818542881180
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of NXTventure
Quantity: 1,000,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 4,445
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.0005 NXT
Bid Price: 0.0005 NXT
Ask Price: 0.1 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 2
Open Ask Orders: 17
Last Trade Date: 13.07.2024 12:14:00
NXTventure makes private investments in promising enterprises and adds value to each investment by proactively integrating it into NXTservices to add a valuable new service for the NXTcommunity. NXTventure will pay monthly dividends in the assets it acquires, net of trading activities during the launch period. This means NXTventure asset will generate a stream of new assets as it launches them. contact jl777 if you are seeking investment

Sell NXTventure for NXT - Open Buy Orders (2 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-D9D3-9Q2F-QBYM-4C6TQ 97490.0 0.0005 48.75
NXT-SYN4-NTH2-738W-FPQZH 999850.0 0.00000001 0.01
Total: Bids 0.0 48.76

Buy NXTventure with NXT - Open Sell Orders (17 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-74VC-NKPE-RYCA-5LMPT 5045.0 0.1 504.5
NXT-4B3G-79KA-3AJJ-DRRAP 100.0 10.0 1000.0
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 500.0 20.0 10000.0
NXT-NNBQ-NXU8-8R7E-3TG5M 634.0 25.0 15850.0
NXT-WCUJ-524E-WMD5-HG6BE 10.0 40.0 400.0
NXT-4ZRX-J6CN-MX2D-AGWZU 14.0 40.0 560.0
NXT-YEBC-6U3X-5KNE-7N2B4 20.0 50.0 1000.0
NXT-DHFS-JPHW-EZDZ-8K9DH 490.0 60.0 29400.0
NXT-UAPC-3T43-FFT6-HW5BZ 33.0 60.7 2003.1
NXT-26R5-5SV8-GGEC-26BSH 100.0 65.0 6500.0
NXT-26R5-5SV8-GGEC-26BSH 100.0 68.0 6800.0
NXT-8CBP-XQAH-J47K-GNQPB 21.0 77.73 1632.33
NXT-YNMR-RCEC-AG5E-5HMGN 2.0 85.0 170.0
NXT-3EJX-G386-K8QC-2GBED 10.0 99.0 990.0
NXT-8W9S-UEFJ-M5S8-EAQTK 5.0 100.0 500.0
NXT-EVCK-RAHW-BEKK-E2CVT 5.0 500.0 2500.0
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 20.0 500.0 10000.0
Total: Asks 1,801.0 89,809.93

Trade History for NXTventure (4445 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
13.07.2024 12:14:00 10.0 0.0005 0.01 4882731245252774483 16869830580183234201
08.02.2020 09:45:34 2500.0 0.0005 1.25 1682089528028142795 16869830580183234201
22.11.2019 01:21:49 1630.0 0.001 1.63 17216949342398129279 15643203063917535554
04.08.2019 17:37:21 150.0 0.00000001 0.0 51070874798076423 51270966495727134
03.05.2019 04:05:47 100000.0 0.001 100.0 17216949342398129279 17868740574900068788
03.05.2019 04:05:47 100.0 0.001 0.1 17216949342398129279 5237043834507009118
03.05.2019 04:05:47 7770.0 0.022 170.94 17216949342398129279 5738986292964729757
03.05.2019 04:05:47 500.0 0.024 12.0 17216949342398129279 9271070814028289213
03.05.2019 04:04:58 49260.0 0.1 4926.0 10087420888213554492 13526353889449970585
03.05.2019 04:04:58 300.0 0.100001 30.0 10087420888213554492 4474958974643194992
03.05.2019 04:04:58 145395.0 0.11 15993.45 10087420888213554492 4607443270679193219
03.05.2019 03:58:07 13000.0 0.11 1430.0 1626577485347817208 4607443270679193219
03.05.2019 03:53:35 85465.0 0.11 9401.15 6287413067334233537 4607443270679193219
12.10.2018 21:19:44 30.0 1.0 30.0 16995250643166409870 8225256580840585730
07.08.2018 21:09:21 40.0 0.11 4.4 4906644158030823513 4607443270679193219
06.04.2018 19:07:03 6000.0 0.11 660.0 912224807835688751 4607443270679193219
19.03.2018 02:00:00 100.0 0.11 11.0 7008708990704269729 4607443270679193219
16.02.2018 01:21:07 50.0 1.0 50.0 13642619829722999049 1997994271224348786
30.01.2018 02:33:20 40.0 0.1 4.0 17889350563716163042 13526353889449970585
30.01.2018 02:09:51 200.0 0.1 20.0 14353392721955731294 13526353889449970585
27.01.2018 00:44:18 400.0 0.1 40.0 5780392872164430605 13526353889449970585
26.01.2018 21:01:27 100.0 0.1 10.0 16715934052955137593 13526353889449970585
21.01.2018 13:11:07 677.0 1.0 677.0 4232108631078774556 18019202847275805698
10.01.2018 10:36:29 30.0 1.0 30.0 15098394412318868421 18019202847275805698
10.01.2018 10:36:29 269.0 0.97 260.93 5607688218887926924 18019202847275805698
10.01.2018 10:36:29 124.0 0.9 111.6 238769823390172109 18019202847275805698
10.01.2018 09:25:35 100.0 0.025001 2.5 1917069697171722746 7046853822327263941
10.01.2018 03:44:50 1.0 0.9 0.9 238769823390172109 1287374610902916862
23.12.2017 22:16:18 59.0 0.0220001 1.3 14910574885063472037 1701520816608701547
13.12.2017 18:16:18 2.0 0.0220001 0.04 4987730464534234185 1701520816608701547
09.12.2017 16:41:12 238.0 0.032 7.62 17268799594230840076 13935649669761220623
05.12.2017 03:56:20 200.0 0.032 6.4 15923130995445562930 13935649669761220623
04.12.2017 17:43:26 8568.0 0.032 274.18 13337150053073842322 13935649669761220623
04.12.2017 17:17:20 4720.0 0.033 155.76 9033410740994141656 13772150115683310523
04.12.2017 01:24:27 280.0 0.033 9.24 5368466106572831106 13772150115683310523
02.12.2017 19:45:24 2230.0 0.022 49.06 308238209602015001 5738986292964729757
02.12.2017 19:45:24 100.0 0.1 10.0 308238209602015001 11294150171190907217
02.12.2017 19:45:24 170.0 0.101 17.17 308238209602015001 3511932010359025737
02.12.2017 07:30:53 30.0 0.101 3.03 2428806789344871441 3511932010359025737
01.12.2017 19:40:47 2161.0 1.0 2161.0 16301609893440185211 9066275718760122410
30.11.2017 22:25:25 850.0 7.3 6205.0 5442196650296860660 13855268816482227325
30.11.2017 19:42:28 20.0 2.5 50.0 5233719234874279822 9138783522523492433
30.11.2017 19:42:28 4.0 3.0 12.0 629931042376062029 12191998168776059319
30.11.2017 18:01:36 2000.0 5.5 11000.0 9884489458311136868 3806713656500434131
30.11.2017 18:01:36 4000.0 7.21 28840.0 9884489458311136868 16010219021303496968
30.11.2017 18:01:36 850.0 7.3 6205.0 9884489458311136868 2161943966953173314
27.11.2017 07:57:15 1.0 7.2 7.2 2421291493634764193 6506262735946095636
27.11.2017 05:50:14 250.0 10.0 2500.0 15118302940019125343 18093457551991441030
26.11.2017 14:46:16 2.0 7.11 14.22 4159901702740372342 17066621057305500962
23.11.2017 06:57:20 125.0 6.5 812.5 2488367896530285886 9490195503808319844
21.11.2017 19:45:20 94.0 27.0 2538.0 10983843514221579280 6403169635515822014
21.11.2017 02:35:44 10.0 27.0 270.0 13820259657736617957 6403169635515822014
17.11.2017 23:57:33 10.0 27.0 270.0 11192622203363970936 6403169635515822014
17.11.2017 07:27:38 160.0 60.0 9600.0 15947651450981961337 1050100424522817492
17.11.2017 07:27:38 5.0 60.0 300.0 17958329354027817935 1050100424522817492
08.11.2017 11:31:50 400.0 50.0 20000.0 16478822851351588706 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 79.0 48.9 3863.1 15847183055993942828 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 1.0 46.0 46.0 14227465416075935374 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 200.0 44.87 8974.0 17956134173413247751 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 150.0 44.4899 6673.48 6709080013141596570 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 55.0 44.3 2436.5 13102876215147032958 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 382.0 43.9 16769.8 13273724582244773731 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 315.0 40.0 12600.0 2590393727005334117 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 39.0 39.0 1521.0 4877741162814025398 17409882418788178105
08.11.2017 11:31:50 290.0 38.999 11309.71 6406326995471025647 17409882418788178105
02.11.2017 23:45:55 39.0 21.0 819.0 10067664195738890434 11815579486992738260
23.10.2017 22:28:24 65.0 43.8999998 2853.5 13325459402568423608 3790026269000056156
23.10.2017 22:28:24 35.0 43.9 1536.5 13273724582244773731 3790026269000056156
23.10.2017 22:24:02 95.0 43.8999998 4170.5 13325459402568423608 9099038178674475285
23.10.2017 04:58:29 111.0 40.0 4440.0 3991100091024135338 6844523337680043897
23.10.2017 04:57:43 196.0 39.0 7644.0 15444765121744712636 14417234459030268531
22.10.2017 16:04:37 2.0 20.000001 40.0 15481984381593987247 6126125102723475306
22.10.2017 02:26:08 568.0 39.0 22152.0 15444765121744712636 16909251488666380649
21.10.2017 12:27:52 224.0 20.000001 4480.0 3348482194700347720 6126125102723475306
20.10.2017 21:55:52 136.0 39.0 5304.0 15444765121744712636 697482509493235230
20.10.2017 21:54:24 180.0 38.0 6840.0 10236575148561530212 150852599199692176
17.10.2017 08:05:09 5.0 16.001 80.01 9085609605715527874 1518466362932622477
15.10.2017 10:42:16 422.0 16.001 6752.42 8732027228916230396 1518466362932622477
12.10.2017 20:12:51 30.0 16.001 480.03 347433562490658181 1518466362932622477
03.10.2017 21:35:03 100.0 23.0 2300.0 5578164695213267287 4041310648865367784
03.10.2017 21:35:03 222.0 25.0 5550.0 164011781372333936 12755986711745151049
03.10.2017 21:35:03 363.0 26.0 9438.0 7694956810975957905 9200768598115052505
03.10.2017 21:35:03 50.0 26.5 1325.0 5553875735931001307 6999741266472582218
03.10.2017 21:35:03 2.0 28.0 56.0 810248171000579424 10783532002137162264
03.10.2017 21:35:03 40.0 29.0 1160.0 21742526210517371 9787657234350839750
03.10.2017 13:22:32 1000.0 22.0 22000.0 10071590661363513201 7426009872359224622
01.10.2017 19:01:05 5753.0 20.0 115060.0 15923829729106798763 10250335659610392444
21.09.2017 03:53:49 220.0 15.0 3300.0 2701825348942011620 5141950876198705768
12.09.2017 22:22:12 852.0 15.0 12780.0 13839661933568600073 11823353299535399436
10.09.2017 19:25:41 200.0 4.0 800.0 4025193024026486786 13516828838977810995
27.08.2017 04:10:42 148.0 6.55 969.4 8636591397732048142 17315092064501695235
27.08.2017 03:33:12 196.0 7.0 1372.0 10393430909210455606 4975090777346795954
27.08.2017 03:33:12 54.0 6.55 353.7 10393430909210455606 17315092064501695235
26.08.2017 21:13:52 4.0 7.0 28.0 2863358393781991977 4975090777346795954
21.08.2017 16:00:51 20.0 7.1 142.0 212404804433175023 3450265587723003139
13.08.2017 21:51:55 25.0 20.0 500.0 17285599380899893360 7444468068452305933
13.08.2017 06:01:45 5.0 6.55 32.75 10643683143826282586 17315092064501695235
11.08.2017 08:32:47 44.0 10.0 440.0 16316750470601225447 11081317109253998489
07.08.2017 14:48:46 4.0 6.5 26.0 17310424472570123539 12255290655573811805
06.08.2017 03:45:42 100.0 6.5 650.0 6555682348586926106 12255290655573811805
Total: Trades 1,284,981.0 24,102,039.26297857
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