Asset Details for: NXTCafe

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: NXTCafe
Asset ID: 17835551797469811220
Issuer ID: 13573081147719373160
Issuer Transaction: 17835551797469811220
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of NXTCafe
Quantity: 1,000,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 43
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.0005 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0.25 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 2
Last Trade Date: 22.03.2016 05:16:47
NXT Café 1st in the United Kingdom Near Brighton To convert into NXT Café The Café is the oldest running café since 1988 The café is registered on Just Eat, Hungry House, Takeway and I have already spoken to Just Eat and they would advertise the café accepting NXt Coin we would obviously have to accept bitcoin as well. There is nothing in the area that accepts crypto and we could use the café to sell Coins via ATM Machine. It needs to have a Face lift to rebrand it and New coffee machine and some other cooking appliances. We can attract local media on this and would be great before Pay Expo 1,000,000 shares at 3 NXT coins each returning 50% sales commissions

Sell NXTCafe for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy NXTCafe with NXT - Open Sell Orders (2 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-XFB9-M9MX-TWQ9-GJW4E 46.0 0.25 11.5
NXT-AE5E-B2WG-3977-BPJJD 46.0 0.25 11.5
Total: Asks 0.0 23.0

Trade History for NXTCafe (43 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
22.03.2016 05:16:47 250.0 0.0005 0.12 457850407903889518 6786477366946269039
29.10.2014 05:22:57 59.0 0.399 23.54 11819488536180489039 5366812383423994045
29.10.2014 05:22:57 454.0 0.3 136.2 231272918937866021 5366812383423994045
29.10.2014 05:22:57 5475.0 0.29999999 1642.5 6777768891902202854 5366812383423994045
29.10.2014 05:22:57 82331.0 0.29999999 24699.3 16050579981753463197 5366812383423994045
29.10.2014 05:08:22 1000.0 0.29999999 300.0 16050579981753463197 17806667341453820846
26.09.2014 06:01:01 5475.0 0.2 1095.0 5218050327291808063 86366510544932551
21.09.2014 17:47:56 10.0 0.2 2.0 5218050327291808063 1070917349754555685
19.09.2014 23:55:29 500.0 0.2 100.0 5218050327291808063 15736413680747269307
13.09.2014 22:42:41 150.0 0.29999999 45.0 16050579981753463197 16767855213765204198
13.09.2014 20:51:07 1000.0 0.29999999 300.0 16050579981753463197 1287726911306567248
09.09.2014 03:06:32 750.0 0.1 75.0 14294881563692971680 9145316005480345577
06.09.2014 11:49:13 64.0 0.1 6.4 8955063584810846121 9145316005480345577
06.09.2014 11:49:13 150.0 0.15 22.5 10072902854452148161 2343596178638127704
24.08.2014 20:16:52 46.0 0.3 13.8 231272918937866021 14193587398752575833
22.08.2014 13:25:23 50.0 0.15 7.5 3235444492346787992 2343596178638127704
18.08.2014 10:52:43 250.0 0.38 95.0 4002693986433482980 17688129814839149598
06.08.2014 06:15:38 441.0 0.35 154.35 9154294437757419892 17940854023628138506
06.08.2014 04:41:15 9204.0 0.35 3221.4 9154294437757419892 12178911864945289937
06.08.2014 04:41:15 441.0 0.34 149.94 15899693109986218586 12178911864945289937
01.08.2014 00:45:23 59.0 0.34 20.06 15899693109986218586 4923970352020555623
14.07.2014 19:21:24 110.0 0.1 11.0 2668490092334097611 9145316005480345577
08.07.2014 05:48:18 60.0 0.1 6.0 4552465046850616725 9145316005480345577
04.07.2014 13:01:19 174.0 0.35 60.9 9154294437757419892 1783567538771437432
04.07.2014 12:58:56 24.0 0.35 8.4 9154294437757419892 3104194684326143611
03.07.2014 12:50:16 16.0 0.35 5.6 9154294437757419892 14641794520090069855
01.07.2014 01:17:56 5000.0 0.1 500.0 1277922180978256161 9145316005480345577
24.06.2014 23:15:47 1.0 0.1 0.1 5560359238499714740 9145316005480345577
24.06.2014 23:13:02 1.0 0.35 0.35 9154294437757419892 16812902333974908131
23.06.2014 04:40:12 140.0 0.35 49.0 9154294437757419892 11368508115600977467
15.06.2014 19:25:49 10000.0 0.6 6000.0 2717856910293219073 12911714962263756334
13.06.2014 20:14:15 5000.0 0.35 1750.0 17344618691075623524 7223976757464449420
10.06.2014 20:39:11 19.0 0.59999999 11.4 2289585357183647238 3343847813939682412
09.06.2014 01:54:30 500.0 0.59999999 300.0 2289585357183647238 13752564161918130194
06.06.2014 23:18:10 500.0 0.6 300.0 8745686497884046865 14490173124956191299
06.06.2014 19:33:04 1000.0 0.6 600.0 8745686497884046865 8529958501870517436
06.06.2014 08:06:57 10.0 0.6 6.0 8745686497884046865 61013850782665360
06.06.2014 08:06:57 100.0 0.6 60.0 8745686497884046865 10372642730830214237
05.06.2014 13:03:15 50.0 0.6 30.0 8745686497884046865 8953670514720590038
05.06.2014 02:37:59 60.0 0.6 36.0 8745686497884046865 15306153617876079555
04.06.2014 22:21:33 1000.0 0.6 600.0 8745686497884046865 16157695765835078710
04.06.2014 18:11:11 5.0 0.6 3.0 8745686497884046865 16274177634586019455
04.06.2014 16:50:56 100000.0 0.3 30000.0 17365178668890645871 11817756409566901460
Total: Trades 231,929.0 72,447.36509525
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