Asset Details for: LTCshare2G [closed]

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: LTCshare2G
Asset ID: 2128300325778905751
Issuer RS: NXT-5C45-E8JS-AC42-7KMSQ
Issuer ID: 6584950269304481859
Issuer Transaction: 2128300325778905751
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of LTCshare2G
Quantity: 199,860
Decimals: 1
# of Trades: 957
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.0111 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0.9499999 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 19
Last Trade Date: 18.12.2017 20:47:01
LTCshare2G provides affordable, reliable Scrypt cloud mining and will INCREASE payouts and hashrate over time. Initial hashrate is 2 GH/s mining LTC. 35% of profits will be re-invested to increase hashrate and 65% will be paid out in dividends weekly. This gives the majority of income back to investors for fast ROI and increases hashrate faster than the projected difficulty increase of LTC. This ratio could be adjusted by majority vote. 0.1 MH/s per share at launch, increasing each week. Please see for more information and weekly profitability/dividend reports.

Sell LTCshare2G for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

AccountQuantityPrice in NXTTotal in NXT
No data available in table
Total: Bids00
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Buy LTCshare2G with NXT - Open Sell Orders (19 Asks)

AccountQuantityPrice in NXTTotal in NXT
NXT-G2G3-7D57-AE27-7LZLG 203.1 0.9499999 192.94
NXT-BNL2-8M6L-TYVJ-3BDC8 328.5 0.95 312.07
NXT-ECBU-G3RB-W4HN-DD75D 356.0 0.95 338.2
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 500.0 1.0 500.0
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 1.0 36.0 36.0
NXT-S3DZ-HMKC-2KJ8-2H37Z 90.0 39.9599 3596.39
NXT-ECBU-G3RB-W4HN-DD75D 200.0 50.0 10000.0
NXT-GDAE-LC9Q-Z3UD-GN68R 143.0 50.0 7150.0
NXT-ECBU-G3RB-W4HN-DD75D 200.0 55.0 11000.0
NXT-8CBP-XQAH-J47K-GNQPB 17.0 73.77 1254.09
Total: Asks1,393.6131,804.87
Showing 1 to 10 of 19 entries

Trade History for LTCshare2G (957 Trades)

DateQuantityPrice in NXTTotal in NXTAsk Order IDBid Order ID
18.12.2017 20:47:01 1622.0 0.0111 18.0 10935926563417815778 7570746069394559380
30.11.2017 21:21:54 100.0 0.0111 1.11 15608659657837961211 7570746069394559380
20.10.2017 10:00:21 400.0 0.0111 4.44 1222253977788477803 7570746069394559380
21.06.2017 20:43:00 1500.0 0.0111 16.65 11527151671068697905 7570746069394559380
06.05.2017 04:20:27 1350.5 0.0111 14.99 17818632937211324198 7570746069394559380
05.09.2016 08:11:05 5.0 0.999 5.0 6426415428069651232 4502106189274559268
03.09.2016 11:15:39 164.4 0.0111 1.82 472713347689831179 7570746069394559380
02.08.2016 10:48:51 142.0 0.0111 1.58 5046028861748425881 7570746069394559380
14.07.2016 17:55:00 408.0 0.0111 4.53 13588821908543821642 7570746069394559380
26.06.2016 12:51:16 574.4 0.0112 6.43 8102235396199278857 10872044177466885640
Total: Trades54,789.43,230,618.752249
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