Asset Details for: DAONXT

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: DAONXT
Asset ID: 24700909419697752
Issuer ID: 18428054322580188853
Issuer Transaction: 24700909419697752
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of DAONXT
Quantity: 10,000,000,000
Decimals: 3
# of Trades: 4
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 28.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 25.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 2
Last Trade Date: 19.05.2016 04:25:48
Asset DAONXT is designed for buying, selling DAO ( , ) on NXT platform. If dividends are paid , all the asset holders , get them in full through the NXT. After the pre-sales ( 28 May 2016 ) , will be available to the deposit and withdrawal of your DAO . You can easily deposit and withdraw them. For the 10 subsequent days: linear increase ( +5% daily)( Every asset that is in circulation , will be backed by real DAO on my account: The account will be replenished as the sale of assets. more information

Sell DAONXT for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy DAONXT with NXT - Open Sell Orders (2 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-X55Q-HC52-P96P-CCGH5 200.0 25.0 5000.0
NXT-WVPP-SNVH-78GZ-HTEHZ 2500.0 42.0 105000.0
Total: Asks 67.0 110,000.0

Trade History for DAONXT (4 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
19.05.2016 04:25:48 25.0 28.0 700.0 4078634495748632402 1855431659216612630
17.05.2016 23:29:58 200.0 25.0 5000.0 5152535205387572161 11811739177126963172
17.05.2016 16:14:42 50.0 24.0 1200.0 7587861341976717018 5682636176070392838
16.05.2016 16:37:49 2000.0 20.0 40000.0 13689911056915152941 523753067779549674
Total: Trades 2,275.0 46,900.0
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