Asset Details for: sharkfund0

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: sharkfund0
Asset ID: 3006420581923704757
Issuer ID: 10346044525886043013
Issuer Transaction: 3006420581923704757
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of sharkfund0
Quantity: 1,179,580
Decimals: 4
# of Trades: 840
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 1.0 NXT
Bid Price: 1.0 NXT
Ask Price: 95.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 2
Open Ask Orders: 2
Last Trade Date: 04.08.2019 17:37:21
Each purchased sharkfund0 asset represents a proportional share of the fund's crypto holdings. NXTsharks will actively manage sharkfund0 to maximize its market value. 25% of profits are assetized by the NXTsharks assets, the rest compounds in sharkfund0. The sharkfund0 assets held by NXTsharks are unpurchased assets and are not bound to anything, NXTsharks will never sell unpurchased assets via AE. Initially, the value is set to 10000 NXT per asset. After the initial funding, additions are made at the marked to the market value of all previously purchased sharkfund0 assets. Purchases using non-NXT crypto is done manually on a case by case basis, minimum 10 BTC. It is preferred to make withdrawals simply by selling the asset using AE, but NXTsharks can accomodate requests of larger cashouts manually. please check the NXT forum for up to date details

Sell sharkfund0 for NXT - Open Buy Orders (2 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-8RGF-4H4J-QCKN-F7HBJ 4.85 1.0 4.85
NXT-BRBQ-YLXJ-GHN2-C8BA7 172.0 1.0 172.0
Total: Bids 2.0 176.85

Buy sharkfund0 with NXT - Open Sell Orders (2 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-29P3-26BV-8YGE-A6GJ2 0.0018 95.0 0.0
NXT-Y84Q-348T-K7LB-HHSZS 0.012 45000.0 450.0
Total: Asks 45,095.0 450.0

Trade History for sharkfund0 (840 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
04.08.2019 17:37:21 0.15 1.0 0.15 5234297031402626686 14513807348967072676
10.02.2018 11:46:46 1.0 45000.0 45000.0 11994637930611745633 10896825752924792554
08.02.2018 22:47:56 0.2404 50000.0 12000.0 4468151047774820399 1994535661246614150
08.02.2018 22:46:38 2.844 45000.0 127800.0 15641318049105442130 7389023991776265784
08.02.2018 22:13:13 1.006 45000.0 45450.0 15641318049105442130 5953984668824346623
13.01.2018 19:17:48 1.15 45000.0 51750.0 15641318049105442130 4063411338210697767
10.01.2018 13:06:01 0.117 35000.0 4200.0 1086760582048197036 1253094557160704479
10.01.2018 13:06:01 0.3872 44000.0 17160.0 11409988852713089083 14623596946852069793
10.01.2018 13:03:54 0.5 30000.0 15000.0 15797063792543059337 15535074256628171008
03.01.2018 01:18:16 0.1 504.0 50.4 756993519017962994 8127000336638501202
26.12.2017 01:46:14 1.0 502.0 502.0 16148330954904143992 14131026418159929168
13.12.2017 18:16:18 0.0111 502.0 5.02 633094408130598161 14131026418159929168
08.12.2017 19:41:00 0.1 502.0 50.2 6873909429099452747 14131026418159929168
27.11.2017 08:02:22 0.0001 502.0 0.0 17845631921133678332 14131026418159929168
20.11.2017 20:15:12 0.0464 35000.0 1750.0 1086760582048197036 1861219819076573583
20.11.2017 20:06:55 0.0015 34500.0 0.0 17522855824106236317 8004193758401561164
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.33 28300.0 9339.0 17925418308111783672 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.39 33000.0 12870.0 7849877273743945340 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.33 28400.0 9372.0 7460778999394322873 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.039 34999.0 1399.96 8952154051152879638 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 18.8366 35000.0 659400.0 1086760582048197036 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.4444 28500.0 12540.0 1955696579537753635 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 1.0 28000.0 28000.0 17910407231647209615 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.3 30000.0 9000.0 8322911757213371404 8949071562860915203
26.09.2017 18:27:34 0.33 28200.0 9306.0 14615840698767424445 8949071562860915203
10.09.2017 00:08:54 1.2 18000.0 21600.0 2755373228462363229 12788954936821121106
07.08.2017 14:48:46 0.02 10000.0 200.0 14279042857885820431 14232362555595435598
14.07.2017 23:25:54 1.0 28000.0 28000.0 17910407231647209615 14692562486716098338
06.06.2017 10:07:23 0.3959 28000.0 11200.0 7958078582198830398 15812866830031700442
04.06.2017 05:36:27 0.08 28000.0 2240.0 5328482025957584521 15812866830031700442
03.06.2017 04:34:02 0.02 28000.0 560.0 17281968561941581725 15812866830031700442
02.06.2017 22:18:37 2.5041 28000.0 70000.0 15846024378749068198 15812866830031700442
20.05.2017 23:46:28 0.5 15000.0 7500.0 17409900056048843155 449212178542454209
11.05.2017 23:14:33 0.4959 28000.0 14000.0 15846024378749068198 3102861974621852931
08.05.2017 21:10:17 1.0 23000.0 23000.0 10938049725788023144 3192627816028071861
07.05.2017 12:07:30 0.5 7001.0 3500.5 7791008346299815658 685207042604252457
30.04.2017 11:10:08 0.1 7000.0 700.0 17165299986705940941 11004359413330070347
29.01.2017 23:59:22 0.02 7000.0 140.0 6183348799645012603 11004359413330070347
12.12.2016 23:25:56 0.01 7000.0 70.0 4401867093312071485 11004359413330070347
21.11.2016 22:15:38 0.44 10000.0 4400.0 7888336192254988655 14914243414941220764
20.11.2016 17:24:46 0.239 10000.0 2400.0 7888336192254988655 7221115432458032189
13.11.2016 22:21:50 0.011 10000.0 100.0 6917162540697866115 7221115432458032189
25.10.2016 05:12:55 0.1526 24999.0 3749.85 16017355453357992844 15154323004050434488
25.10.2016 05:07:23 0.1 24998.0 2499.8 500599193735072230 13099102755657387249
13.10.2016 21:30:14 0.6117 18000.0 10980.0 15359818222211065286 5812804489974795609
13.10.2016 21:30:14 0.6474 19000.0 12350.0 8280446641060059187 5216841089087783931
23.09.2016 12:43:38 0.001 18000.0 0.0 15359818222211065286 18125754233037826727
23.09.2016 03:26:09 0.0001 18000.0 0.0 15359818222211065286 8862691820350941171
30.08.2016 00:10:28 0.6191 10000.0 6200.0 6272631344984530440 987239291033078634
29.08.2016 14:35:59 0.3809 17000.0 6460.0 5115649827246095644 13679081836889100369
29.08.2016 01:18:32 0.6191 17000.0 10540.0 8824501268492488764 13679081836889100369
27.07.2016 11:06:25 0.01 10100.0 101.0 760842073728253934 1487349842372989475
27.07.2016 11:06:25 0.06 10000.0 600.0 760842073728253934 987239291033078634
12.07.2016 20:12:17 0.0222 10000.0 200.0 15577336838222431404 987239291033078634
07.07.2016 17:04:57 0.0526 4999.0 249.95 13392183599597273690 9716403908961756414
07.07.2016 16:52:45 0.5 4999.0 2499.5 13392183599597273690 10679450489977756716
05.07.2016 03:47:55 0.4474 4999.0 2249.55 13392183599597273690 13164455623971572919
01.07.2016 17:16:09 0.05 4999.0 249.95 14976831186436969359 13164455623971572919
28.06.2016 00:20:38 0.0026 4999.0 0.0 4164336183552201671 13164455623971572919
25.06.2016 17:17:25 0.002 23999.0 0.0 17178073634620474393 11659012783018987432
15.06.2016 22:39:23 0.131 23999.0 3119.87 11069426732771717992 11659012783018987432
13.06.2016 22:27:04 0.211 43128.0 9056.88 9509756732028619885 15486964043917057526
13.06.2016 21:36:30 0.964 36000.0 34560.0 16554597905130806639 15486964043917057526
13.06.2016 21:36:30 0.725 29500.0 21240.0 6437995664336409612 15486964043917057526
13.06.2016 21:36:30 0.1 34999.0 3499.9 5771995676289232236 15486964043917057526
13.06.2016 04:56:02 0.2 24999.0 4999.8 14260077185231809744 1633582292485642775
08.06.2016 12:59:39 0.025 24999.0 749.97 5055630151235421864 11162467607245186314
08.06.2016 12:59:39 0.055 23999.0 1439.94 5055630151235421864 11659012783018987432
08.06.2016 12:48:25 0.02 25999.0 519.98 7631727056165798699 195111360552063536
31.05.2016 22:59:39 0.05 24999.0 1249.95 2611559069027097951 11162467607245186314
28.05.2016 22:26:52 0.01 24999.0 249.99 16574281386712947339 11162467607245186314
25.05.2016 15:47:47 0.25 27999.0 6999.75 18270380133257221746 2145821169680339266
25.05.2016 09:19:09 0.1 24999.0 2499.9 7446687841568664864 11162467607245186314
20.05.2016 21:01:07 0.0015 25999.0 0.0 12007143074437374118 279344991448125036
17.05.2016 04:15:15 0.08 25999.0 2079.92 9714158760470736534 2906567731566007389
15.05.2016 11:50:20 0.01 25999.0 259.99 9714158760470736534 8864807299102992367
14.05.2016 00:36:13 0.01 25999.0 259.99 9714158760470736534 14058341254832871000
12.05.2016 02:12:25 0.2 26000.0 5200.0 12855765847313342478 16344407863801911225
04.05.2016 11:53:15 0.01 23999.0 239.99 5440985073236375836 11659012783018987432
04.05.2016 06:07:54 0.065 26000.0 1820.0 13189385896594799512 7631595012416665921
04.05.2016 06:04:42 0.005 25990.0 259.9 390891056037654171 10065758471709464525
04.05.2016 06:04:42 0.045 26000.0 1040.0 13189385896594799512 10065758471709464525
04.05.2016 02:05:03 0.004 25990.0 0.0 390891056037654171 11031903261569236437
03.05.2016 23:09:17 0.5 23999.0 11999.5 8253410672612656624 11659012783018987432
03.05.2016 21:57:34 0.001 25990.0 0.0 390891056037654171 15095136095278696812
02.05.2016 05:02:46 0.001 23000.0 0.0 8752145647753927096 11659012783018987432
02.05.2016 05:02:46 0.28 23999.0 6719.72 10285002636064149528 11659012783018987432
02.05.2016 05:02:46 0.2 22999.0 4599.8 8573919682368179851 11659012783018987432
02.05.2016 05:02:46 0.145 22500.0 3150.0 4023455052597574383 11659012783018987432
02.05.2016 05:02:46 0.051 22799.0 1139.95 12436208454893672547 11659012783018987432
29.04.2016 05:14:16 0.6752 15000.0 10200.0 11799342848777922091 6597581082679752047
25.04.2016 20:05:13 0.004 22500.0 0.0 4023455052597574383 7883633119269753848
20.04.2016 22:15:02 0.001 22500.0 0.0 4023455052597574383 13777459063921904908
17.04.2016 18:31:49 0.1 15000.0 1500.0 5966327624355060424 6597581082679752047
06.03.2016 21:50:57 0.9773 15000.0 14700.0 12682802172743081545 6597581082679752047
02.03.2016 00:09:14 0.25 15000.0 3750.0 14416193193236461449 6597581082679752047
28.02.2016 14:19:38 0.8 15000.0 12000.0 10195889828768598791 6597581082679752047
24.02.2016 08:30:33 0.2 15000.0 3000.0 2030833786896101870 6597581082679752047
23.02.2016 23:16:03 0.212 15000.0 3150.0 2663125642571337222 6597581082679752047
09.02.2016 22:10:25 0.01 15000.0 150.0 6081212215223271459 6597581082679752047
Total: Trades 1,824.0763 24,356,646.4534771
To reduce the loading time, we only show the latest 100 of trades. Click here to see all trades.
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