Asset Details for: ChinaCNY

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: ChinaCNY
Asset ID: 3331546410849496495
Issuer ID: 4966571102174517595
Issuer Transaction: 3331546410849496495
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of ChinaCNY
Quantity: 299,999,999,000
Decimals: 3
# of Trades: 17
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 14.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date: 28.04.2015 22:54:52
ChinaCNY is the asset of NxtChina Gateway issued by NxtChina( 1 ChinaCNY asset equals 1 CNY,and can be in-and out-exchanged at NxtChina Gateway: ChinaCNY asset aims to directly create NXT/CNY market on Nxt asset exchange system. The objective of NxtChina Gateway is to provide safe,convenient and fast deposit and withdraw service. NxtChina Gateway: ChinaCNY是由NxtChina网关发行的资产,1 ChinaCNY=1 CNY,可以通过NxtChina网关充值和提现。ChinaCNY资产的目的是为了直接在Nxt资产交易系统中建立NXT/CNY的交易市场。 NxtChina网关旨在为中国Nxt爱好者提供方便/快捷的资产充值和提现服务。 NxtChina网关:

Sell ChinaCNY for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy ChinaCNY with NXT - Open Sell Orders (0 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Asks 0 0

Trade History for ChinaCNY (17 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
28.04.2015 22:54:52 300.0 14.0 4200.0 1783121911938299645 2711501219041975973
28.03.2015 17:58:14 100.0 7.2 720.0 3566240990686169860 13904494554150576477
13.03.2015 00:03:12 1.0 8.8 8.8 18372460441534889308 17733589469384605583
07.02.2015 13:48:37 149.0 13.0 1937.0 10464697105232452223 1253847222990261578
29.01.2015 09:24:50 1.0 13.0 13.0 10464697105232452223 17784557674820959946
19.01.2015 18:46:51 100.0 13.0 1300.0 10464697105232452223 6504335169083599006
17.01.2015 07:37:01 50.0 13.0 650.0 10464697105232452223 16132098177707867025
13.01.2015 17:41:14 280.0 11.1 3108.0 17302157980882672893 3419706024573566063
13.01.2015 17:41:14 300.0 10.8 3240.0 12339723659952777594 9265125433238800072
13.01.2015 17:38:05 25.0 10.0 250.0 15757950708707150288 1858500373612192770
04.01.2015 16:54:42 10.0 9.9 99.0 10177763927191709066 11704786751570375769
02.01.2015 19:22:05 200.0 8.3 1660.0 5610741261530231448 10723620817926495903
30.12.2014 08:12:09 95.0 9.5 902.5 8420252131171052963 13046855103011847540
20.12.2014 10:08:49 20.0 11.1 222.0 17302157980882672893 6354264531322300412
19.12.2014 22:44:05 5.0 9.5 47.5 4258052097120930284 13046855103011847540
18.12.2014 13:26:59 5.0 9.09 45.45 3275525720589822253 2486135515486030048
18.12.2014 13:08:50 300.0 8.3 2490.0 16399303954699300146 10723620817926495903
Total: Trades 1,941.0 20,893.25
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