Asset Details for: DGEX

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: DGEX
Asset ID: 3679685800012766390
Issuer ID: 12292439833850569026
Issuer Transaction: 3679685800012766390
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of DGEX
Quantity: 33,000,000
Decimals: 2
# of Trades: 199
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 16.5 NXT
Bid Price: 16.5 NXT
Ask Price: 80.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 2
Open Ask Orders: 2
Last Trade Date: 07.02.2018 09:53:29
DGEX shares represent 100% profit share of the DGEX cryptocurrency exchange at Initially 108 900 shares (33%) out of 330 000 have been released for public trading with 67% remaining in private ownership. Shares have traded on the DGEX proprietary exchange platform since March 2014 and until they were migrated / integrated into the NXT Decentralized Asset Exchange in May - June 2014.

Sell DGEX for NXT - Open Buy Orders (2 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-ESC4-WUDS-ATPL-C6W7P 6202.95 16.5 102348.68
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 1.0 3.15 3.15
Total: Bids 19.65 102,351.83

Buy DGEX with NXT - Open Sell Orders (2 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-ZDKF-7M96-M4DR-HZ6VR 70.0 80.0 5600.0
NXT-VN45-9QK7-S2WU-39S4L 46.0 110.0 5060.0
Total: Asks 190.0 10,660.0

Trade History for DGEX (199 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
07.02.2018 09:53:29 10.0 16.5 165.0 12730895934827401857 4283087253787014201
07.08.2017 05:32:27 272.0 16.5 4488.0 4882885538759952222 4283087253787014201
01.08.2017 09:25:13 80.0 16.5 1320.0 14893832805581459888 4283087253787014201
29.07.2017 02:10:33 1198.0 16.5 19767.0 5570780303833656115 4283087253787014201
09.07.2017 23:47:01 50.0 16.5 825.0 8049477848223635770 4283087253787014201
13.06.2017 15:20:26 5.0 16.5 82.5 13075260050639944856 4283087253787014201
10.04.2017 05:42:42 76.0 16.5 1254.0 3750295364613736368 4283087253787014201
24.02.2017 07:56:12 150.0 16.5 2475.0 18126874353761392124 4283087253787014201
31.10.2016 16:41:54 395.0 16.5 6517.5 1375867225321383175 4283087253787014201
22.09.2016 04:52:22 5.0 16.5 82.5 3835490927723559458 4283087253787014201
11.09.2016 22:02:37 5.0 19.0 95.0 1306045870303285625 12556367094598349779
04.09.2016 00:10:56 20.0 16.5 330.0 9320601935155659724 4283087253787014201
11.08.2016 19:09:29 3000.0 16.5 49500.0 12481568495707532806 4283087253787014201
27.07.2016 07:40:09 4198.0 16.5 69267.0 15516835981786876912 4283087253787014201
18.07.2016 05:46:36 60.0 16.5 990.0 2238046033587490269 4283087253787014201
16.07.2016 07:07:55 1000.0 16.5 16500.0 16336942031404502266 4283087253787014201
11.07.2016 21:30:47 250.0 16.5 4125.0 15186604522639930073 4283087253787014201
03.07.2016 21:17:20 35.0 16.5 577.5 8021891776145460992 4283087253787014201
29.06.2016 07:00:18 450.0 16.5 7425.0 14639566686903313467 4283087253787014201
25.06.2016 22:43:33 100.0 16.5 1650.0 12265473117281131696 4283087253787014201
10.06.2016 19:05:58 2025.05 16.5 33413.33 1712534340568584488 4283087253787014201
12.04.2016 21:53:14 20.0 16.5 330.0 7082681415344086476 4283087253787014201
10.04.2016 12:50:30 100.0 16.5 1650.0 17264214261121956906 4283087253787014201
05.04.2016 00:13:07 6.0 16.5 99.0 6933738187152872338 4283087253787014201
02.04.2016 01:12:18 2317.0 16.5 38230.5 8522239286123584411 4283087253787014201
31.03.2016 18:02:33 96.0 16.5 1584.0 4142695611065695085 4283087253787014201
30.03.2016 23:23:53 2879.0 16.5 47503.5 17326816383564109567 4283087253787014201
29.03.2016 05:29:04 500.0 16.5 8250.0 14655026904165439800 1201339745934831169
28.03.2016 07:03:33 600.0 16.5 9900.0 12027850803207959278 1201339745934831169
27.03.2016 18:23:41 5.0 16.5 82.5 6784925320472839384 1201339745934831169
27.03.2016 18:21:25 31.0 16.5 511.5 4120914319707812053 1201339745934831169
13.03.2016 02:29:38 1000.0 16.5 16500.0 16012763513779817392 1201339745934831169
10.03.2016 04:14:49 35.0 16.5 577.5 8630956687433520141 1201339745934831169
08.03.2016 16:09:08 400.0 16.5 6600.0 6074550458139292344 1201339745934831169
16.02.2016 17:03:42 300.0 16.5 4950.0 2257641633373379325 1201339745934831169
16.02.2016 17:01:20 1000.0 16.5 16500.0 6972322003385670470 1201339745934831169
13.02.2016 03:51:56 32.0 16.5 528.0 1970915118457800081 1201339745934831169
03.02.2016 00:48:05 14.0 16.5 231.0 41656135362798728 1201339745934831169
02.02.2016 21:31:52 149.0 16.5 2458.5 15826582752477591065 1201339745934831169
28.01.2016 02:59:03 1577.0 16.5 26020.5 4088504208471393202 1201339745934831169
27.01.2016 05:31:47 135.0 16.5 2227.5 15657135544511209636 1201339745934831169
21.01.2016 06:30:14 300.0 16.5 4950.0 8845597966596913123 1201339745934831169
17.01.2016 08:52:36 5.0 16.5 82.5 9771061737928081066 1201339745934831169
15.01.2016 00:09:09 32.0 16.5 528.0 4740390706810586916 1201339745934831169
14.01.2016 23:59:41 75.0 16.5 1237.5 16648874678136658042 1201339745934831169
14.01.2016 02:51:51 400.0 16.5 6600.0 7365164674830433316 1201339745934831169
14.01.2016 02:39:14 1701.0 16.5 28066.5 14779522422705682930 1201339745934831169
12.01.2016 22:35:30 2412.0 16.5 39798.0 15446715951869276550 1201339745934831169
08.01.2016 10:17:01 10.0 16.5 165.0 17665965481774020056 1201339745934831169
08.01.2016 10:15:37 10.0 80.0 800.0 13286540637248281985 15980590020426237415
07.01.2016 02:04:06 900.0 16.5 14850.0 8492382577313554663 1201339745934831169
07.01.2016 02:01:17 900.0 16.5 14850.0 14781493132997910577 1201339745934831169
07.01.2016 01:57:59 900.0 16.5 14850.0 12107266774294392680 1201339745934831169
07.01.2016 01:55:21 900.0 16.5 14850.0 4257263894545161085 1201339745934831169
07.01.2016 01:50:37 964.0 16.5 15906.0 6787827212764393547 1201339745934831169
07.01.2016 01:42:08 707.0 16.5 11665.5 10203963580848906112 1201339745934831169
03.01.2016 20:41:06 1676.0 16.5 27654.0 2647841786689373352 1201339745934831169
02.01.2016 17:55:11 500.0 16.5 8250.0 12623366245683500701 1201339745934831169
02.01.2016 17:46:23 92.0 16.5 1518.0 18349046651718924575 1201339745934831169
02.01.2016 17:40:47 6.0 16.5 99.0 7757987754698058523 1201339745934831169
02.01.2016 06:18:14 500.0 16.5 8250.0 2900559259337560242 1201339745934831169
01.01.2016 11:41:17 2500.0 16.5 41250.0 2488129642868244295 1201339745934831169
01.01.2016 10:19:50 7212.4 16.5 119004.6 11485290476525132221 1201339745934831169
01.01.2016 01:45:10 6159.0 16.5 101623.5 8205260055260801671 1201339745934831169
01.01.2016 00:39:41 10.0 16.5 165.0 15566324508965472755 1201339745934831169
22.12.2015 07:00:17 899.0 6.15004 5528.89 3392198904013298885 13388963305486318817
22.12.2015 07:00:17 499.0 6.15005 3068.87 8521297853842093268 11552189311651862408
22.12.2015 07:00:17 54.0 6.15002 332.1 4279225237033888261 3486792444724391702
21.11.2015 12:09:42 289.0 7.0001 2023.03 14779472340843706218 1721110045936694621
21.11.2015 12:09:42 101.0 6.15004 621.15 10323963214821669730 13388963305486318817
18.11.2015 01:49:35 10.0 7.0001 70.0 5336843325010517524 1721110045936694621
04.11.2015 08:48:37 100.0 7.0001 700.01 7425701437653381745 1721110045936694621
21.10.2015 02:25:09 190.0 6.15002 1168.5 8308014673163338641 3486792444724391702
09.10.2015 06:24:07 336.0 6.100001 2049.6 2189858836242912472 2615685548158379657
26.08.2015 16:35:38 0.05 99.0 4.95 3201446452382648207 2777393376280633840
25.08.2015 20:37:13 150.0 35.0 5250.0 10465472047006578688 16698694557477502465
22.08.2015 08:38:06 7.1 35.0 248.5 1598981404643733877 2284430906499939919
22.08.2015 08:29:05 30.0 25.0 750.0 14081778966106829537 16493332236130061693
22.08.2015 08:29:05 92.9 35.0 3251.5 1598981404643733877 16493332236130061693
22.08.2015 08:29:05 115.0 34.0 3910.0 9659223400611803631 16493332236130061693
22.08.2015 08:29:05 9.5 32.0 304.0 12615505154290087189 16493332236130061693
22.08.2015 08:29:05 132.6 31.0 4110.6 17408030148290899187 16493332236130061693
22.08.2015 08:29:05 50.0 30.0 1500.0 3642907742087223901 16493332236130061693
22.08.2015 08:29:05 10.0 26.0 260.0 261719671025108300 16493332236130061693
26.07.2015 22:15:07 10.0 26.0 260.0 261719671025108300 1674727074673345355
13.07.2015 10:07:43 49.0 5.102 250.0 12365201203289359335 6720301754381204676
09.07.2015 02:41:36 42.0 5.101 214.24 10228863584653388870 6196632009345190078
07.07.2015 01:37:54 4.0 5.101 20.4 3084429656916873185 6196632009345190078
21.05.2015 17:45:03 300.0 10.0 3000.0 15361807730385191288 3517227595472204574
18.05.2015 10:17:39 16.0 18.75 300.0 9096575144604780596 6832827800501987771
18.05.2015 10:14:49 201.0 15.0 3015.0 9181212407609476639 17482648218337902781
02.05.2015 21:16:43 100.0 15.0 1500.0 11412231948384744633 4382243273108693586
02.05.2015 21:16:43 120.0 15.0 1800.0 9181212407609476639 11151665564706414386
24.04.2015 14:13:28 379.0 8.0 3032.0 9366568017768615171 8158353857237697375
13.04.2015 21:04:03 405.0 13.0 5265.0 340738824696305172 16654762305055977764
12.04.2015 01:09:59 2.0 13.0 26.0 340738824696305172 17473231806915772685
06.04.2015 12:50:21 100.0 8.0 800.0 3112939473018006626 8158353857237697375
25.03.2015 23:01:15 4.0 18.75 75.0 9096575144604780596 18002150101855176158
07.03.2015 16:05:40 2.0 10.0 20.0 14718245983663234404 11476196901917457680
25.02.2015 11:30:10 5.0 9.0 45.0 9337445005681204415 9083657864674034679
Total: Trades 74,428.1 1,227,212.798566
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