Asset Details for: ShortNXT

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: ShortNXT
Asset ID: 7297711024038530345
Issuer ID: 12341260929898840398
Issuer Transaction: 7297711024038530345
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of ShortNXT
Quantity: 100,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 183
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 74.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0.01 NXT
Ask Price: 0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 1
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date: 29.09.2014 23:54:04
Description: Protect the value of your NXT holdings and hedge your transaction exposure. If NXT goes down, ShortNXT goes up (and vice versa). Initial Price: 100 NXT ShortNXT aims to generate a daily percentage gain inverse to that of NXT. Issuer will support price target with buy and sell orders on the Asset Exchange. ShortNXT Target Price equals the most recent ShortNXT Daily Reference Price minus the percentage change in NXT from the most recent NXT Daily Reference Price (in USD). ShortNXT Daily Reference Price is set daily at or around 10 am ET to current ShortNXT Target Price. NXT Daily Reference Price is a weighted average as reported at or comparable substitute, at issuer's discretion, at or around 10 am ET. Issuer will maintain price support on a best effort basis and makes no assurances of timeliness or accurate calculation or reporting of involved prices. Updates and reference price history at @shortnxt.

Sell ShortNXT for NXT - Open Buy Orders (1 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-UV5P-QBB4-TK7B-2JN8A 14800.0 0.01 148.0
Total: Bids 0.0 148.0

Buy ShortNXT with NXT - Open Sell Orders (0 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Asks 0 0

Trade History for ShortNXT (183 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
29.09.2014 23:54:04 4.0 74.0 296.0 13389859842488467347 5025992519153833921
26.09.2014 22:14:30 2.0 67.0 134.0 13148920068023551972 4503030074783887342
26.09.2014 06:19:03 1.0 99.0 99.0 7004781068737305612 4958360764792552129
26.09.2014 06:14:23 1.0 85.0 85.0 6605215474788599699 9191390275798837820
26.09.2014 01:40:27 5.0 69.0 345.0 12130420240415083886 7951760873897722503
20.09.2014 03:12:26 1.0 71.0 71.0 17759288978743096190 13616238096272652482
19.09.2014 19:48:36 30.0 70.0 2100.0 12703760796472907663 8977351536757802249
16.09.2014 03:13:04 1.0 60.0 60.0 3288917694858259538 8820640929841646407
14.09.2014 20:14:30 50.0 56.0 2800.0 9645901590448959789 5923578198051305090
08.09.2014 05:22:27 10.0 60.0 600.0 12447974662093971920 10332118245482527026
08.09.2014 02:10:49 30.0 60.0 1800.0 12257597409578026427 1380052159925085225
05.09.2014 06:19:12 10.0 78.0 780.0 14899843619362736117 9782986600545392639
05.09.2014 00:18:19 10.0 78.0 780.0 5632217732124020989 9392554240481990420
04.09.2014 23:21:23 10.0 78.0 780.0 923157808625881548 5691551554229769404
04.09.2014 22:48:47 10.0 79.0 790.0 1477370015172141955 3238792179356065781
04.09.2014 08:02:13 2.0 80.0 160.0 12065759425765787745 17274958611699022427
29.08.2014 15:24:50 2.0 88.0 176.0 7596087071161677909 3162751344137556581
25.08.2014 20:22:30 1.0 83.0 83.0 15584867300489890321 3864557106276134867
21.08.2014 00:30:13 40.0 73.0 2920.0 4087249234308034544 11304971122459834879
29.07.2014 22:55:17 20.0 56.0 1120.0 8213957925402284362 16157501990883089145
29.07.2014 22:52:35 50.0 56.0 2800.0 8213957925402284362 7696894401945345918
18.07.2014 23:44:52 5.0 54.0 270.0 16286437866097783963 12337892789367328500
18.07.2014 04:14:33 20.0 58.0 1160.0 16589994077168516551 13729744293796993906
17.07.2014 21:57:44 450.0 58.5 26325.0 1411441793345547878 7073459219797932133
15.07.2014 22:11:30 250.0 54.5 13625.0 2057433335806008015 7018767881664948591
15.07.2014 04:31:57 53.0 54.5 2888.5 9792655107665429318 9092828693395625091
15.07.2014 01:52:38 75.0 54.5 4087.5 9792655107665429318 18196623472778799299
14.07.2014 21:57:05 47.0 54.5 2561.5 6804515188984146003 11206572455433634408
14.07.2014 15:17:08 128.0 55.0 7040.0 17275757735122857384 11856172431883440725
14.07.2014 15:07:16 47.0 55.0 2585.0 17275757735122857384 18329817344698106978
14.07.2014 08:05:35 50.0 55.0 2750.0 17275757735122857384 6401945909926315267
14.07.2014 02:18:50 60.0 55.0 3300.0 17275757735122857384 15106762224636572723
13.07.2014 22:04:25 90.0 55.0 4950.0 17275757735122857384 9923025186158738144
12.07.2014 22:18:16 75.0 53.0 3975.0 17651206533813510067 15064463476956298661
10.07.2014 22:24:23 15.0 54.5 817.5 14655552894426587268 134709518449605446
10.07.2014 22:10:54 175.0 54.5 9537.5 14655552894426587268 1531734294577481639
10.07.2014 20:12:24 10.0 55.5 555.0 16086356945551228757 7288020014242162401
09.07.2014 22:29:29 300.0 49.5 14850.0 11005938744432307674 3103099206198308834
09.07.2014 20:11:01 5.0 50.4 252.0 14612705749773803046 7105066901213856410
08.07.2014 22:11:43 360.0 48.0 17280.0 4887620084135404570 1068913837649468742
08.07.2014 22:00:38 40.0 48.0 1920.0 18173627080736529523 1068913837649468742
07.07.2014 22:24:51 10.0 51.0 510.0 4112473385649779595 2752966446893703787
07.07.2014 21:32:18 90.0 51.5 4635.0 2538330871020654252 6946279732894683177
07.07.2014 20:55:50 10.0 50.0 500.0 12650507190009228622 4759852581040504972
06.07.2014 21:38:56 200.0 47.0 9400.0 1190114526091263301 12794507411745675933
06.07.2014 03:51:05 1000.0 46.5 46500.0 5454532738721443908 3409900905802560374
06.07.2014 03:51:05 300.0 46.4 13920.0 2017896375870733903 17433537541991385465
06.07.2014 03:47:58 200.0 46.4 9280.0 2017896375870733903 13890067878399260112
05.07.2014 06:30:17 100.0 46.0 4600.0 14703361981902595785 1093245649597026391
05.07.2014 06:28:24 200.0 46.0 9200.0 14703361981902595785 5836842060286604013
05.07.2014 06:27:12 200.0 46.0 9200.0 14703361981902595785 18254395012056664684
28.06.2014 01:34:46 100.0 42.4 4240.0 3178429636333271618 2626625063473563473
27.06.2014 19:46:56 37.0 42.9 1587.3 3585982897561895532 14537949712518100622
27.06.2014 15:33:53 100.0 43.5 4350.0 8056736128326351238 5605115240037395505
26.06.2014 05:45:55 10.0 47.0 470.0 7428195406020431311 9681924648828927707
25.06.2014 22:00:35 50.0 42.0 2100.0 10501286890622135771 5645761314604031836
25.06.2014 22:00:35 515.0 41.0 21115.0 16182271571991107981 11432387388129410528
25.06.2014 19:55:06 55.0 41.0 2255.0 16182271571991107981 320904907095923997
25.06.2014 19:34:35 25.0 41.0 1025.0 16182271571991107981 17972931929084843118
25.06.2014 19:15:29 140.0 41.0 5740.0 16182271571991107981 18419665525034741840
25.06.2014 19:10:08 90.0 41.0 3690.0 16182271571991107981 14910379827732094518
25.06.2014 18:19:50 50.0 41.0 2050.0 16182271571991107981 2222339463978462625
25.06.2014 07:24:52 5.0 29.0 145.0 8927808251491565279 1371772782583242491
24.06.2014 03:42:16 5.0 40.0 200.0 112961077578465381 5012719254156695466
23.06.2014 21:49:50 50.0 40.0 2000.0 9435652317022050882 13660031438239649630
22.06.2014 21:34:28 25.0 39.0 975.0 17027158668263548018 7380297990293576350
22.06.2014 20:51:13 3.0 40.0 120.0 9165716666305562720 15392835558883380595
21.06.2014 22:26:26 7.0 40.0 280.0 9165716666305562720 16346812959838901343
21.06.2014 22:26:26 293.0 40.0 11720.0 2770336533214256364 16346812959838901343
21.06.2014 22:11:10 2.0 39.0 78.0 3813877280808096998 14557058777402316391
20.06.2014 22:01:05 2.0 29.0 58.0 859486365506856545 2264301795707690523
20.06.2014 21:57:28 10.0 39.0 390.0 859486365506856545 6484859910577312227
20.06.2014 19:29:28 100.0 39.5 3950.0 828378392845087851 15965117146552376206
20.06.2014 16:40:57 183.0 39.0 7137.0 2639986006063764680 6484859910577312227
20.06.2014 16:40:57 10.0 39.0 390.0 2639986006063764680 9659171823270957968
19.06.2014 22:19:35 40.0 39.0 1560.0 2639986006063764680 10182858674933734711
19.06.2014 22:18:30 130.0 39.0 5070.0 3716209900141293536 10182858674933734711
19.06.2014 22:11:36 20.0 39.0 780.0 3716209900141293536 17011268732683475457
19.06.2014 21:53:53 80.0 38.0 3040.0 10195360259900088506 16153067328496290615
19.06.2014 20:20:42 118.0 38.0 4484.0 10195360259900088506 5164251644644561646
19.06.2014 20:18:30 12.0 38.0 456.0 10195360259900088506 6921447152314425750
19.06.2014 20:18:30 85.0 38.0 3230.0 10195360259900088506 13246494400942148401
19.06.2014 16:56:13 100.0 37.0 3700.0 11422752626627976338 1276278533041507376
19.06.2014 16:56:13 80.0 37.0 2960.0 2308882754369242110 1276278533041507376
19.06.2014 13:33:29 20.0 37.0 740.0 2308882754369242110 4634739635645008605
18.06.2014 11:35:00 5.0 38.0 190.0 10195360259900088506 8754791708689346476
18.06.2014 04:12:45 3575.0 37.0 132275.0 1166925666523693762 10062246895046031315
17.06.2014 15:13:39 500.0 37.0 18500.0 1166925666523693762 8639101220170867245
15.06.2014 19:32:09 2000.0 37.0 74000.0 1166925666523693762 12456109955134638896
12.06.2014 07:08:08 100.0 39.0 3900.0 18444350871628169081 15868697975399998100
11.06.2014 22:45:57 75.0 32.0 2400.0 9025277926496534664 8451186652218662067
11.06.2014 20:56:54 3000.0 33.0 99000.0 14153132623547154815 12781705084407995545
11.06.2014 17:56:44 2000.0 34.0 68000.0 13118925549734690228 10367182445814362230
11.06.2014 06:08:13 965.0 35.0 33775.0 14232913997051451100 11782748116135524381
10.06.2014 22:09:09 5.0 38.5 192.5 16238690447733681728 3148166441902693605
10.06.2014 21:08:45 35.0 35.0 1225.0 6648237637426867856 11782748116135524381
10.06.2014 21:08:45 5.0 35.0 175.0 6648237637426867856 13771507080759095264
09.06.2014 04:14:23 125.0 43.5 5437.5 3775175196772119555 10390821770510777775
09.06.2014 03:06:21 300.0 44.0 13200.0 12114314342069448821 16542312514289781514
08.06.2014 23:50:59 1500.0 42.0 63000.0 4713407196845550372 6792055373657026635
Total: Trades 68,687.0 4,484,219.8
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