Asset Details for: SeismicTKN

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: SeismicTKN
Asset ID: 8995926987136270747
Issuer ID: 5671541343581146518
Issuer Transaction: 8995926987136270747
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of SeismicTKN
Quantity: 1,000,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 1
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 1.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0.99 NXT
Ask Price: 1.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 1
Open Ask Orders: 28
Last Trade Date: 26.01.2015 20:13:14
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Sell SeismicTKN for NXT - Open Buy Orders (1 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 1159.0 0.99 1147.41
Total: Bids 1.0 1,147.41

Buy SeismicTKN with NXT - Open Sell Orders (28 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 1.0 1.0 1.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 5000.0 1.0 5000.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 2.0 200.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 3.0 300.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 4.0 400.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 5.0 500.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 6.0 600.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 7.0 700.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 8.0 800.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 9.0 900.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 10.0 1000.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 11.0 1100.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 30.0 3000.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 31.0 3100.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 32.0 3200.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 33.0 3300.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 34.0 3400.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 35.0 3500.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 36.0 3600.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 37.0 3700.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 38.0 3800.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 39.0 3900.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 40.0 4000.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 41.0 4100.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 42.0 4200.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 43.0 4300.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 100.0 44.0 4400.0
NXT-K5EQ-TQ6K-M6BP-6WCFX 500.0 45.0 22500.0
Total: Asks 667.0 89,501.0

Trade History for SeismicTKN (1 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
26.01.2015 20:13:14 100.0 1.0 100.0 12989740768744878586 17594164481098777473
Total: Trades 100.0 100.0
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