Asset Details for: ARDR [scam]

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: ARDR
Asset ID: 5830441591734481684
Issuer ID: 8259175765289633457
Issuer Transaction: 5830441591734481684
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of ARDR
Quantity: 9,989,980,750,000
Decimals: 4
# of Trades: 100
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.0003 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0.0001 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 55
Last Trade Date: 08.02.2018 11:33:08
The ARDR token represents the amount of Ardor each account will receive in the future Nxt 2.0 / Ardor blockchain. Ardor in that system will be the token used to establish consensus and to create new blocks. This ARDR token will be automatically distributed to user accounts at block 1,000,000, and after that will become freely tradeable.

Sell ARDR for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy ARDR with NXT - Open Sell Orders (55 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-FYBS-5GS3-PRVA-9LERT 248490223.0 0.0001 24849.02
NXT-6ZSJ-8RHR-RG3R-56BXD 250000000.0 0.0002 50000.0
NXT-4UN2-B6QQ-BAJH-5ZSNE 30999750.0 0.0003 9299.92
NXT-GQEX-SKV2-7U3D-5REYY 25000000.0 0.0004 10000.0
NXT-8Z87-ZN2K-E7PX-HULTR 24972185.0 0.0005 12486.09
NXT-VJ8M-AHCB-2YSV-FNE9V 10000000.0 0.0006 6000.0
NXT-QR6R-Q8V3-GGWB-6TPCU 24789331.0 0.0007 17352.53
NXT-MX2U-9F7Q-JAC4-33XW8 39557934.8137 0.0008 31646.35
NXT-S9GP-5NT8-GVVK-8QNGG 50000000.0 0.0009 45000.0
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 7500000.0 0.001 7500.0
NXT-XM9U-MWY3-DUGV-8GJQ4 7699650.0 0.0011 8469.61
NXT-9WTF-88EK-W5XR-FX9E3 198829.0 0.04 7953.16
NXT-YGUT-GFLC-MNAK-F8WAW 67141.0 0.0799 5364.57
NXT-B9CF-69U2-NSJ2-DJRBS 86.0 0.08 6.88
NXT-MBKQ-KFN2-MWPQ-DFBTP 1000.0 0.1 100.0
NXT-P3PK-M7XT-CUUS-9WM97 6000000.0 0.11 660000.0
NXT-Q6LZ-JE99-NVEV-886JN 8500.0 0.2 1700.0
NXT-8Z87-ZN2K-E7PX-HULTR 88591.0 0.2399 21252.98
NXT-UHZU-52KT-3Q8P-AAFQJ 900.0 0.24 216.0
NXT-BZQ5-MTUT-KYPL-3VWV9 674.0 0.25 168.5
NXT-GJUT-YX5J-TRUL-5SM5S 9563.0 0.312 2983.66
NXT-6ZSJ-8RHR-RG3R-56BXD 2500000.0 0.3999 999750.0
NXT-PQP6-5PJ2-P8PB-FFXGB 13834.0 0.4 5533.6
NXT-ZXQP-CP4S-64NS-H8RSW 2000.0 0.4 800.0
NXT-NYRY-4WFJ-YWU8-CQLQ6 17.0 0.445 7.57
NXT-4C6K-XVMU-DTBB-A4ESR 2000.0 0.446 892.0
NXT-ECCU-BH5A-P25C-23NK6 2000.0 0.447 894.0
NXT-4C6K-XVMU-DTBB-A4ESR 5000.0 0.448 2240.0
NXT-YGUT-GFLC-MNAK-F8WAW 95413.11 0.4499 42926.36
NXT-ECCU-BH5A-P25C-23NK6 998.0 0.45 449.1
NXT-8Z87-ZN2K-E7PX-HULTR 987172.0 0.489 482727.11
NXT-4C6K-XVMU-DTBB-A4ESR 3999.0 0.49 1959.51
NXT-6ZSJ-8RHR-RG3R-56BXD 99273.5 0.5 49636.75
NXT-K5V5-8924-HV6D-72CAA 111111.0 1.0 111111.0
NXT-YBQ4-WU92-L6K9-DJTG4 1.0 1.4 1.4
NXT-YBQ4-WU92-L6K9-DJTG4 1.0 1.5 1.5
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 77448.7 2.19 169612.65
NXT-S9GP-5NT8-GVVK-8QNGG 17420.0 2.25 39195.0
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 7527.0 2.5579 19253.31
NXT-MX2U-9F7Q-JAC4-33XW8 1000.0 2.558 2558.0
NXT-XQ9Q-XUT5-TFVN-2QYUD 24998.75 2.559 63971.8
NXT-B6JV-6QJN-QDVZ-A6KR4 100994.5 2.56 258545.92
NXT-GQEX-SKV2-7U3D-5REYY 880000.0 2.57 2261600.0
NXT-B6JV-6QJN-QDVZ-A6KR4 55997.0 2.6 145592.2
NXT-FYBS-5GS3-PRVA-9LERT 5000.0 2.75 13750.0
NXT-B6JV-6QJN-QDVZ-A6KR4 14050.0 2.9 40745.0
NXT-MX2U-9F7Q-JAC4-33XW8 601.0 3.05 1833.05
NXT-MX2U-9F7Q-JAC4-33XW8 666.0 3.05 2031.3
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 77.0 3.07 236.39
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 153.0 3.09 472.77
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 230.0 3.109 715.07
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 307.0 3.129 960.6
NXT-QDFY-CSZQ-9UYX-GYD5Q 383.0 3.149 1206.07
NXT-S9GP-5NT8-GVVK-8QNGG 14500.0 3.1499 45673.55
NXT-FYBS-5GS3-PRVA-9LERT 100000.0 3.15 315000.0
Total: Asks 64.365 6,004,231.85

Trade History for ARDR (100 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
08.02.2018 11:33:08 20000.0 0.0003 6.0 3756502021167842194 3854680868264790244
08.02.2018 11:33:08 249500.0 0.0002 49.9 3756502021167842194 14967972457168830033
08.02.2018 11:33:08 7500.0 0.0004 3.0 3756502021167842194 12457670378493177971
08.02.2018 11:33:08 25000.0 0.0002 5.0 3756502021167842194 17610117002314848655
08.02.2018 11:33:08 190000.0 0.0001 19.0 3756502021167842194 14867657340902940972
08.02.2018 11:33:08 777777.0 0.0001 77.78 3756502021167842194 9099847456899576514
08.02.2018 11:33:08 200000.0 0.0001 20.0 3756502021167842194 12027619136158566534
08.02.2018 11:33:08 40000.0 0.0001 4.0 3756502021167842194 1300691994467817951
08.02.2018 11:11:32 18000.0 0.0005 9.0 10667260535479920110 4112750326850407294
08.02.2018 11:07:56 9815.0 0.0007 6.87 10667260535479920110 4739793559787754633
04.02.2018 22:48:54 316.0 0.06 18.96 5438150687100639781 9234355480409802824
04.02.2018 22:48:54 475.0 0.04 19.0 5438150687100639781 3772275540867894838
04.02.2018 22:48:54 380.0 0.05 19.0 5438150687100639781 17839053738303023103
01.02.2018 09:27:16 1.0 0.0799 0.08 16047950993178502907 16376813909365672198
20.01.2018 00:12:47 228.0 0.0799 18.22 16047950993178502907 966340231017364488
19.01.2018 18:41:58 8760.0 0.0799 699.92 16047950993178502907 12081007954623259695
19.01.2018 18:38:20 8735.0 0.0799 697.93 16047950993178502907 11149926935682139019
19.01.2018 18:26:03 8735.0 0.0799 697.93 16047950993178502907 9512379340890497313
15.01.2018 22:22:46 6300.0 0.0799 503.37 16047950993178502907 14485588037463894528
15.01.2018 19:38:21 100.0 0.0799 7.99 16047950993178502907 13706743614655745995
11.01.2018 05:53:52 24470.0 0.0007 17.13 8712524684767211299 4739793559787754633
11.01.2018 05:52:00 38960.0 0.0008 31.17 13558412823256183426 8641576342558760042
11.01.2018 05:49:37 9235.0 0.008 73.88 3644062974269469830 15704016508691875188
11.01.2018 05:49:37 3000.0 0.008 24.0 3644062974269469830 18384299607243881916
09.01.2018 22:30:44 674.0 0.08 53.92 11603808231920862227 1684529075733904345
05.01.2018 19:02:13 277.0 0.09 24.93 9043603410875336685 14871654789106825515
05.01.2018 07:47:38 240.0 0.1 24.0 2870609046563175002 7777122413959268383
05.01.2018 06:20:07 185.0 0.2399 44.38 6921862432103979200 920292399907151174
04.01.2018 21:30:42 3730.0 0.2399 894.83 6921862432103979200 13181345406722433897
04.01.2018 21:12:15 3747.0 0.2399 898.91 6921862432103979200 3931468504644344763
04.01.2018 20:55:53 3747.0 0.2399 898.91 6921862432103979200 15540074405269452248
04.01.2018 20:42:43 200000.0 0.0001 20.0 8232606298721376156 9656765823922911349
04.01.2018 20:42:43 250000.0 0.0001 25.0 8232606298721376156 15025985105981819700
04.01.2018 20:42:43 99000.0 0.0001 9.9 8232606298721376156 1905443340838649795
04.01.2018 20:42:43 100000.0 0.0002 20.0 8232606298721376156 12398801262342143482
04.01.2018 20:42:43 100000.0 0.0002 20.0 8232606298721376156 1137537205034731411
04.01.2018 20:42:43 120000.0 0.0002 24.0 8232606298721376156 11989085023035037905
04.01.2018 20:42:43 66750.0 0.0003 20.02 8232606298721376156 17816213594436581794
04.01.2018 20:42:43 159000.0 0.0005 79.5 8232606298721376156 11316444987015025751
04.01.2018 20:42:43 20000.0 0.0006 12.0 8232606298721376156 10135886319960539139
04.01.2018 20:42:43 34285.0 0.0007 24.0 8232606298721376156 3961694038117362830
04.01.2018 20:42:43 3737.0 0.0008 2.99 8232606298721376156 7523577369573181605
04.01.2018 20:42:43 12222.0 0.0009 11.0 8232606298721376156 14471389762240159508
04.01.2018 20:42:43 10000.0 0.002 20.0 8232606298721376156 6763223402133048687
31.12.2017 18:25:33 96.0 0.25 24.0 2787538126156407174 14922591968140844166
31.12.2017 11:53:48 1600.0 0.312 499.2 6658389887754344172 14375932578565893274
31.12.2017 11:22:01 1599.0 0.312 498.89 6658389887754344172 13251507947818038265
31.12.2017 11:13:28 1599.0 0.312 498.89 6658389887754344172 4468538530632366886
31.12.2017 09:49:32 200000.0 0.0002 40.0 9346148276205927057 1781274892758513029
31.12.2017 09:49:32 42475.99 0.0002 8.5 9346148276205927057 17049081470022355292
31.12.2017 09:44:33 57524.01 0.0002 11.5 15313030204114101836 17049081470022355292
31.12.2017 09:44:33 2500.0 0.0008 2.0 15313030204114101836 4551810484477406024
31.12.2017 09:44:33 2857.0 0.0007 2.0 15313030204114101836 733590697588651507
31.12.2017 09:44:33 5000.0 0.0006 3.0 15313030204114101836 10206163338781228413
31.12.2017 09:44:33 19619.99 0.0005 9.81 15313030204114101836 17887463323030635271
31.12.2017 09:44:33 2500.0 0.0004 1.0 15313030204114101836 8583111686276605824
31.12.2017 09:44:33 100000.0 0.0004 40.0 15313030204114101836 14562387038859401999
31.12.2017 09:44:33 9999.0 0.0003 3.0 15313030204114101836 6886701583479866322
31.12.2017 09:34:23 66.0 0.4 26.4 6425964230252245153 5715207422485267472
31.12.2017 09:22:46 15000.0 0.004 60.0 7885201275624203523 570046146287139174
31.12.2017 09:22:46 100.0 0.03 3.0 7885201275624203523 9229721806237325406
27.12.2017 15:54:27 1100.0 0.4499 494.89 15604851084382211082 7255843431654767106
27.12.2017 15:54:27 1109.0 0.4499 498.94 15604851084382211082 6116063265388318896
27.12.2017 15:47:27 1106.0 0.4499 497.59 15604851084382211082 9566936972603483875
27.12.2017 15:47:27 1146.0 0.4499 515.59 15604851084382211082 3305223629916401445
27.12.2017 15:03:27 33.0 0.4499 14.85 15604851084382211082 10333756312212656840
27.12.2017 14:46:56 44.0 0.4499 19.8 15604851084382211082 16945993086459944539
27.12.2017 13:34:33 48.89 0.4499 22.0 15604851084382211082 7661047909685154190
27.12.2017 12:33:32 2.0 0.45 0.9 3037138393951325442 6100650706629361004
27.12.2017 06:31:22 380.01 0.0005 0.19 988110280788174571 17887463323030635271
24.12.2017 19:57:50 50.0 0.488 24.4 5234849798817799921 17193500978284841932
23.12.2017 21:07:55 30.0 0.488 14.64 5234849798817799921 9179646614740463853
23.12.2017 20:53:03 0.01 0.488 0.0 5234849798817799921 7969673055979518789
23.12.2017 19:58:05 1212.0 0.489 592.67 99186839088057047 10956051650661555792
21.12.2017 18:31:30 1220.0 0.489 596.58 99186839088057047 14028306937673696315
19.12.2017 18:21:48 1225.0 0.489 599.03 99186839088057047 9489239008966479321
18.12.2017 17:04:51 1230.0 0.489 601.47 99186839088057047 14915127449990420745
18.12.2017 16:57:03 1250.0 0.489 611.25 99186839088057047 13537187950701317080
18.12.2017 16:43:57 1224.0 0.489 598.54 99186839088057047 3010980728148238526
18.12.2017 16:35:21 1200.0 0.489 586.8 99186839088057047 1752599990422921030
18.12.2017 08:53:03 17.0 0.489 8.31 99186839088057047 12338166154842684973
18.12.2017 05:57:32 50.0 0.489 24.45 99186839088057047 2881544359027425280
18.12.2017 00:22:18 1200.0 0.489 586.8 99186839088057047 8095795296346853102
17.12.2017 23:51:11 600.0 0.489 293.4 99186839088057047 17895859036590937478
16.12.2017 20:54:08 1240.0 0.489 606.36 99186839088057047 4210780750768668853
16.12.2017 20:11:07 480.0 0.489 234.72 99186839088057047 17996237481712077452
16.12.2017 20:09:31 680.0 0.489 332.52 99186839088057047 14944275064361652047
16.12.2017 20:07:23 1.0 0.49 0.49 9314336554541847058 381435532177111775
16.12.2017 20:01:13 566.57 0.01 5.67 12772182282039478173 10846113073187537373
16.12.2017 19:48:09 75.0 0.01 0.75 12772182282039478173 12856630784232060160
16.12.2017 19:48:09 49.43 0.089 4.4 12772182282039478173 7699207686037157295
16.12.2017 19:45:17 109.57 0.089 9.75 15613053609350644352 7699207686037157295
16.12.2017 19:45:17 1.0 0.09 0.09 15613053609350644352 13831502028705653561
16.12.2017 19:45:17 25.0 0.091 2.27 15613053609350644352 10095606703266458304
16.12.2017 19:45:17 5.0 0.1 0.5 15613053609350644352 482319757216498013
16.12.2017 19:45:17 18.43 0.25 4.61 15613053609350644352 9077705500350220975
08.12.2017 21:43:20 199.0 0.5 99.5 16518999327513258681 4537110322374342772
08.12.2017 21:40:08 504.0 0.5 252.0 16518999327513258681 8457652258955215704
08.12.2017 21:23:27 7.5 0.5 3.75 16518999327513258681 3570230521246660039
08.12.2017 20:41:11 11.0 0.5 5.5 16518999327513258681 14691808635316975861
Total: Trades 3,316,866.4 16,654.535791
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